Page 3 - P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT - FLIP
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Welcome to
As it's the start of the new year, That all seems a bit doom and gloom,
we will try, as ever, to assist you in but actually as we enter 2025, I
am confident that the community
making your pharmacy practice pharmacy network can respond
as efficient as is possible. We and continue to provide care to our
know that from April, the cost respective populations across the UK.
The community pharmacy network is
will be rising for many of you as a something that citizens cannot live
result of the Autumn budget. For without, and we need to make sure that
Numark, we need to make sure 2025 results in a vibrant community
pharmacy sector that we can all invest
that we're focused on helping and trust in.
you address any such pressures I look forward to supporting you through
as the new year starts, and 2025 with everything that Numark has
I'm sure we do have a series of to offer and with some exciting new
propositions that helps you to developments, that we have in the
pipeline, added to the mix.
improve your ways of working
and to make things as easy for All the best,
you as possible. Harry McQuillan
10/12/2024 09:19:58
P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd 3
P4403.59-V59_Numark Pharmacy Magazine Jan 25 PRINT.indd 3 10/12/2024 09:19:58