Page 23 - P4403.14_V87_YOUROTC_Book DECEMBER_2023 NI PRINT Final 23
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                        Supporting patients with joint pain in community pharmacy

                                             45 years of age and over
                                        Patient presents with activity-limiting               STEP 1
                                               joint pain through:
                                            Referral from
                               Medicines                 Self-selected  Advice
                               use review  other healthcare   OTC product  requested

                                            Patient-centred consultation                      STEP 2

                                              Information gathering                           CONSULTATION
                                       Usage-related pain   Pain worse on resting,
                                        improved by rest  improved by usage
                                       Morning stiffness   Prolonged morning
                                       (duration <30 mins)  stiffness (duration >30
                                        Gradual changes      mins)
                                         in symptoms     Rapid worsening     Support and refer  STEP 3
                                      No hot swollen joints  of symptoms
                                     No fever or unexplained   Hot swollen joints  Red flagged
                                         weight loss      Systemic upset   Manage the patient’s acute    RECOMMENDATIONS
                                     No immediate prior injury  History of trauma or cancer  pain as appropriate  AND REFERRAL

                                                                           Pharmacist  Non-pharmacist

                      •  Signpost to     Recommendation at first presentation  •  Refer to   •  Refer to
                      community/                                           GP or     pharmacist
                      support          Education/information on usage-related joint pain  acute NHS
                      initiatives       Strengthening, flexbility and aerobic exercises  walk-in
                      •  Refer to relevant   Weight management if required  centre
                      healthcare    NICE additional treatments if required (e.g. thermotherapy)  •  Monitor
                      professionals (e.g.                                  patient
                      •  physiotherapists,    First line (topical NSAIDs)  progress
                      dietitians and          Monitor patient progress
                                        Recommendation at second presentation

                              If symptoms improve  If symptoms persist  If symptoms worsen
                                                                                              STEP 4
                              •  Review / continue  •  Review first line  •  Refer to GP
                              •  Monitor patient   •  Consider second-line   •  Monitor patient    MONITOR PATIENT
                               progress        (paracetamol or   progress                       PROGRESS
                                               oral NSAIDs + PPI
                                               •  Monitor patient

                                        Recommendation at third presentation
                                           If symptoms persist or worsen

                                 •  Review first- and second-line treatment
                                 •  Consider third line (OTC opioid, e.g. co-codamol if not on paracetamol)
                                 •  Refer to GP
                                 •  Monitor patient progress
                     The above recommendations assume no contraindications to therapy or no drug interactions exist. In such instances, refer patient to the appropriate healthcare professional.
                     NICE: National Institute for Health and Care Excellence; NSAID: non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug; OTC: over-the-counter; PPI: proton pump inhibitor.
                     Cottrell E, Stanford C, Quicke J et al. Appropriate community pharmacy management and referral of patients with chronic peripheral joint pain. Pharm J 7924(302):S16–S20.
                     doi: 10.1211/PJ.2019.20205710

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                      Product                                   Size  Case   Buying   RRP  Trade    POR   Pip Code
                                                                     Size  Price/Single   Offer %  %
                                      VOLTAROL Osteoarthritis P 1% 100g  100g  6  £7.89  £14.49  9%  35%  356-4010
                                       VOLTAROL Osteoarthritis P 1% 50g   50g  6  £4.96  £8.99  8%  34%  301-3711
                                    VOLTAROL 12 HOUR GEL P EASY OPEN  100g  6  £10.63  £19.49  9%  35%  387-6570
                              VOLTAROL 12 HOUR EMUGEL P 2% 30G X6 GB  30g  6  £4.63  £8.49  9%  35%  379-5309
                        VOLTAREN GEL BACK & MUSCLE 1.16 % 100G (No Mess)  100g  3  £8.71  £15.99  9%  35%  406-6643
                                         VOLTAROL EMULGEL 12 HOUR  50g  6  £6.53  £11.99  9%  35%  379-5291

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