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Effective relief from musculoskeletal pain without a tablet
Voltarol Not all topical diclofenac products
Voltarol Back &
Voltarol Max
Product Osteoarthritis Joint Strength Pain Relief Voltarol 140mg Muscle Pain Relief Voltarol Joint & Voltarol Heat Patch
Back Pain Relief
Name Pain Relief 1.16% Medicated Plaster
Gel 2.32% Gel 1.16% Gel 2.32% Gel are the same. Formulation Matters. 1
Active Diclofenac Diclofenac Diclofenac Diclofenac Non-medicated pain
Ingredient diethylammonium diethylammonium Diclofenac sodium diethylammonium diethylammonium relief
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Voltarol Max Strength Pain Relief 2.32% Gel
Double concentration* – Now for the relief of Osteoarthritis pain
Eight hours of heat
Scientifically for up to 24 hours of
Proven to be All-day joint proven to relieve All-day joint and pain relief*
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For the relief of pain For relief of pain For relief of pain For relief of pain and for topical
and inflammation in and inflammation in and inflammation inflammation in the pain relief is terms in the
osteoarthritis. the joints and now in back joints. 2
Also for relief osteoarthritis. For muscle, neck and muscles. For relief of pain in worth £120m 2 last 2 years
Indication of pain and Also for relief and shoulder pain Also for relief Also for relief the back, neck and
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inflammation in: of pain and and inflammation. of pain and inflammation in: shoulders.
• muscles inflammation in: inflammation in:
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• sprains and strains • muscles • joints • sprains and strains
• joints • sprains and strains • sprains and strains
Duration of Use for up to 14 days Use for up to 14 days Use for up to 7 days Use for up to 7 days Use for up to 7 days Use for up to 7 days
Topical NSAIDs are
recommended as a Just two applications Voltarol has a 67%
first line treatment daily for effective 2.32% diclofenac
for pain from all-day relief of pain The active Effective treatment gel has double value share of the
Osteoarthritis of and inflammation. ingredient in for body pain the concentration Non-medicated pain 67%
Unique the knee. 3 Reduced risk of diclofenac sodium amenable to topical of pain relieving and muscle total topical Gel
Selling Reduced risk of systemic side patch is released medicines. ingredient.* relaxation. category in the UK 2
Points systemic side effects, including continuously and 100g pack size also For all day relief
effects, including gastrointestinal helps to relieve pain available with no from pain – apply Thin, self-adhesive
gastrointestinal events. †6 and inflammation. mess applicator. once morning and and odourless.
events. †6 100g pack opens evening.
Easy to open cap for with one easy click.
Scan to discover more from Voltarol
† vs. oral NSAIDs. *compared to Voltarol 1.16% Gel.
References: 1. Derry S et al. Cochrane Database Sys Rev 2015; 6:CD007402. 2. Haleon Data on File, Nielsen Value Sales MAT TY, GB Total Coverage, data to w.e. 20/5/23. 3.
Osteoarthritis in over 16s: diagnosis and management. NICE Guideline NG226. Available at /guidance/ng226. 4. Sprains and strains. Health Topics A to Z. Diclofenac diethylammonium
NICE. Available at strains/. 5. Quartarone & Hasler Nguyen 2014, Haleon Data on File. 6. Wiffen P et al. Curr Med Res Opin 2020; 36(4): 637
650. 7. Pradal J et al. J Pain Res 2019; 12: 1149-1154. 8. Predel HG et al. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 2012;44(9):1629 1636. 9. Predel HG et al. BMC Musculoskelet Disord. 2013;14:250. 10.
Zacher J et al. Postgraduate medicine 2011; 123: 17.
Product Information: Voltarol Osteoarthritis Joint Pain Relief 1.16% Gel, Voltarol Max Strength Pain Relief 2.32% Gel, Voltarol Joint & Back Pain Relief 2.32% Gel, Voltarol Back Your advice can help patients find the most
& Muscle Pain Relief 1.16% Gel (diclofenac diethylammonium). Voltarol 140 mg Medicated Plaster (diclofenac sodium). Indications:Gels: Local symptomatic relief of pain and
inflammation in trauma of the tendons, ligaments, muscles and joints e.g. due to sprains, strains and bruises, and localised forms of soft tissue rheumatism. Osteoarthritis Joint Pain
Relief 1.16% Gel and Max Strength Pain Relief 2.32% Gel only: Relief of pain of non-serious arthritic conditions. Plaster: Local symptomatic, short term treatment of pain in acute
strains, sprains or bruises of the extremities following blunt trauma. Legal category: Osteoarthritis Joint Pain Relief 1.16% Gel, Max Strength Pain Relief 2.32% Gel, P. Back & Muscle appropriate relief for their pain
Pain Relief 1.16% Gel and Joint & Back Pain Relief 2.32% Gel, Medicated Plaster: GSL. Licence holder:Gels: Haleon UK Trading Limited, The Heights, Weybridge, KT13 0NY, U.K.
Plaster: GlaxoSmithKline Dungarvan Limited, Knockbrack, Dungarvan, County Waterford, Ireland. Information about these products, including adverse reactions, precautions,
contra-indications, and method of use can be found at:,,,,
Trade marks are owned by or licensed to the Haleon group of companies. PM-GB-VOLT-23-00036
*vs 1.16% diclofenac gel For Product Information see back page
24/10/2023 10:52
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