Page 15 - P5107.2 -V1 Project Boost Booklet Version 6
P. 15


                                                                           •  Countries
                Transparency                                                  to have full                                             Quantification

              •  Providing easy                                               responsibility                                          •  Saving ambition
                  access to data,                                             for retail                                                  to be included
                  One version of                                              operating best                                              in any future
                  the truth.                                                  practices.                    Execution                     budgeting.

              •  Full transparency                                         •  Country                    •  Efficient                 •  Savings to be
                                                                                                            allocation of
                  on value and                                                responsibility                resource to                   tracked by the
                  cost drivers                                                for the                       ensure that                   country.
                  removing                                                    implementation                necessary tools
                  ambiguity.                                                  of actions                                              •  Reporting to
                                              Collaboration                   within agreed                 and support are               CC will be on a
              •  Open and candid                                              time scales.                  available.                    quarterly basis
                  conversation              •  Knowledge                                                                                  in a pre-agreed
                  with the CC                   sharing amongst            •  Dedicating time            •  Remain agile                  format.
                  team about                    team members.                 and effort to                 and adaptable
                  strategies that                                             see the project               to changing
                  have influenced           •  Team oriented                  through to                    circumstances,
                  decision making.              approach to                   completion.                   making
                                                address any                   Persistent                    necessary
                                                findings and                  mindset, focus,               adjustments
                                                recommendations.              and resilience                to plans and
                                                                              when faced with               strategies.
                                            •  Alignment on                   challenges.
                                                ambitions across                                         •  Confidence
                                                all relevant                                                in our shared
                                                stakeholders.                                               plan which will
                                                                                                            allow tasks to
                                                                                                            be approached
                                                                                                            with a positive

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