Page 27 - P4403.14_V93_YOUROTC_Book JUNE_2024_PRINT
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                                                                                            OWN BRAND  27

                   SUN SAFETY

                   Brush up on your sun safe knowledge
                   to support your customers through the

                   We should make sure that we recommend the
                   •   Stay in the shade between 11am and 3pm
                   •   Cover up with suitable clothing and
                   •   Use at least factor 30 sunscreen – this will
                     help us to avoid burning
                   •   When buying sunscreen, the label should    What are the SPF and star rating?
                     have: a sun protection factor (SPF) of at    •   The sun protection factor, or SPF, is a measure
                     least 30 to protect against UVB and at least   of the amount of ultraviolet B radiation (UVB)
                     4-star UVA protection                          protection.*
                                                                  •   SPFs are rated on a scale of 2 to 50+ based
                   What does NHS say?
                                                                    on the level of protection they offer, with
                   •   Sunburn increases your risk of skin cancer.   50+ offering the strongest form of UVB
                     Sunburn does not just happen on holiday. We    protection.*
                     can burn in the UK, even when it's cloudy. *  •   The star rating measures the amount of
                   •   There's no safe or healthy way to get a tan. A   ultraviolet A radiation (UVA) protection. You
                     tan does not protect your skin from the sun's   should see a star rating of up to 5 stars on
                     harmful effects. *                             UK sunscreens. The higher the star rating, the
                   •   Aim to strike a balance between protecting   better.*
                     yourself from the sun and getting enough     •   The letters "UVA" inside a circle is a European
                     vitamin D from sunlight *                      marking. This means the UVA protection is at
                   •   Stay Hydrated when out in the sun            least a third of the SPF value.*
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