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for additional time off as necessary.  Paid bereavement leave is granted
             according to the following schedule:

             •   Employees are allowed three days of time off with pay in the event
                of the death of the employee’s immediate family.  This includes:
                the employee’s spouse, child, father, mother, grandparent,
                daughter-in-law, son-in-law, mother-in-law, father-in-law,
                sibling, stepfather, stepmother, stepson, stepdaughter, stepbrother,
                stepsister, or grandchild.

             •   Employees are allowed one day off with regular pay to attend the
                funeral of a deceased relative of the employee as follows:  sister-
                in-law, brother-in-law, aunt, uncle, cousin, or other relative. To be
                eligible for bereavement leave, the employee  generally  must
                attend the funeral of the deceased relative.

             Jury Duty
                    Full-time and regular, part-time employees are eligible to
             receive this benefit. Responsibility upon receipt of notification from
             the state or federal courts of an obligation to serve on a jury or to act
             as a court witness, the employee must notify his or her supervisor. The
             employee is required to provide copies of the subpoena or jury
             summons to his  or  her supervisor and to the Office Manager. The
             supervisor will verify the notification by contacting the office issuing
             the  summons  or  subpoena  and  make  scheduling  adjustments  to
             accommodate the employee’s obligation. The supervisor will also
             provide court documentation to payroll for processing. Employees
             appearing in their own case as a plaintiff or defendant or for a non-
             subpoenaed court appearance will not  receive paid  time off.    PTO
             should be used for such instances.

             Voting Time
                    In compliance with the law of the State of North Dakota, the
             Company allows employees three (3) consecutive hours of leave
             during polling hours in order to vote in federal, state or local elections,
             both primary and general elections. Most employees will have three (3)
             consecutive hours during  polling hours available outside of their
             normal work schedule. These employees will not be eligible to take
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