Page 205 - LNA Standards Manual 2019 Update
P. 205

Specialties SOURCING

                 Power Products - Lobby/Training Room/Fitness Center

                               Vista Charging Pedestal:   VSP5662345USB  OFR Raceway Base and Cover:   In-Wall Entrance End Fitting: OFR10IW   2-Gang Box: OFR48-2  USB Plugmold: WH20GB306TRUSB Or   WH20GB509TRUSBA  6” Poke-Thru Device: 6ATC2P

                           Wiremold       OFRBC-8         

                               Ceiling Sensor CI205 (BZ50 Power
                                      Plug Load Control Receptacle:   Plug Load RF Single Pack (RFP)  Plug Tail Decorator Switch: PT2621W

                           Pass & Seymour     Pack)     RF26352CHW       (Use with PTS6STR3)

                                  EDRNEZ, FASP400PG, FASU300PG, CA-
                               Wire Mesh: CF105/300EZ, G-MINIEZ,
                                    BLEXITPG, CE25EZ (PG/EZ or BL ac-

                                           J-Hook: CJ32W, CJ32SSBC   Fiber Trough: FT100/300PG,  FTEF100PG, FTUS100PG, FTC300PG,  FTF890 100/300PG, FTASPG (PG or BL

                                       ceptable)       acceptable)

                           Cablofil        
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