Page 207 - LNA Standards Manual 2019 Update
P. 207
Specialties SOURCING
Power Products - Huddle Spaces Vista Architectural Column: VL662345 CAT6 Retractor: TBCRCAT6 HDMI Retractor: TBCRHDMI Display Port Retractor: TBCRDP USB Retractor: TBCRUSB 3.5 Audio Retractor: TBCR3.5MM Suspended Ceiling AV Box: OFR Transmitter Box: OFR48-2MRTC Transition Channel: MRTC Under Table Cable Management
Wiremold (customize for project) Table Box: TB672AP ECB25-RLNK Channel: UTCM5
Plug Tail Sensor: PTWSP250W (Use with
Plug Tail Decorator Receptacle: PT26352W (Use with PTRA6STR) USB Charging Receptacle:
Pass & Seymour PTS6STR3) TR5362USBW
Wire Mesh: CF105/300EZ, G-MINIEZ,
acceptable) CABLEXITPG, CE25EZ (PG/EZ or BL J-Hook: CJ32W, CJ32SSBC Fiber Trough: FT100/300PG, FTEF100PG, FTUS100PG, FTC300PG, FTF890 100/300PG, FTASPG (PG or BL acceptable)