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Newsletter of The Rotary Club of Dudley
Aug/Sept/Oct 2021 Editor - Pauline Gregory
As we continue with perhaps the new normal, we are always conscious that events may not be possible at
short notice but this has not stopped the Club from moving forward so it's great to be able to include
Forthcoming Events again. Youth events have been well received as schools try to resume their activities,
although minor adaptations may have to be made at short notice. This edition will be sent electronically to
all members but there are a few hard copies for those who have requested a copy.
Editor Pauline
Members may remember that after several months of planning the Dudley Rotary Knife Bin was finally installed at Tesco at
Burnt Tree on Thursday 5th April 2018 with appropriate fanfare. The Assistant Police and Crime Commissioner was present.
The bin had been made by British Ironworks and the Club paid for its installation and negotiated a site with Tesco including
a suitable foundation and security. At the time it was considered by the powers that be that it was not really needed as there
was no knife crime in Dudley!!!!
Three and a half years later, imagine the surprise of members on reading the following in the Express and Star ….
LETHAL-looking zombie knives, meat cleavers and swords down to flick-knives and even a butter knife were among the 200-
plus weapons recovered from Dudley's surrender bin which was emptied this morning (14th September). The bin, outside the
Tesco Extra store off Birmingham Road, was emptied in front of West Midlands Police and Crime Commissioner Simon Foster
who described the haul as "deeply concerning".
Firstly our Rotary bin had been
replaced and our sign removed
without our knowledge. (A
contractor now has responsibility
for maintaining the bins in the
area.) Secondly the photograph
is misleading since all those
knives could not have come from
that bin alone. Thirdly we were
told that Dudley did not have any
knife crime when we planned our
bin in 2017??
President Colin has emailed a
letter to Simon Foster and has
been advised that they are
waiting for him to sign his