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CEO & Matron of Mary Stevens Hospice,
Claire Towns, spoke to the Club about the needs
of the hospice as she has worked there for 17
years, being in charge for the last two years.
Therefore, she has had the most difficult task of
making the premises and working conditions safe for
all due to the pandemic. Her biggest problem has been the
small offices and rooms which do not allow for social distancing.
Since she accepts that there will be a need for this still in the future,
she now has plans to rectify this. She plans to knock down some
interior walls to extend the area for the family room and build an outdoor structure for the children’s play area. Overall, the
plans have been costed by their architect at £130,000 but she reckons this cost could be reduced.
In addition, she explained all the services provided by the Hospice as well as the 10 beds for in-patients. She showed us
some memory activities for children which they provide in a happy atmosphere to enable them to remember and treasure
loved ones. All schools in Dudley have been visited to ensure that there is one teacher able to provide some counselling for
bereaved pupils. There are bereavement groups for adults and children. In all it showed that their role covers far more than
caring for the terminally ill. Claire happily answered further questions.
All this has given the Club much food for thought as to how we might help the Hospice in future.
Monday 8th November 2021
Every year an Award is made to a student of Textiles at Dudley College
in memory of the late Rotarian Roy Pedley. The award of £500 is aimed
to help the student in further studies. In recent weeks, Alan Black has
liaised with the lecturers and has set up Zoom interviews for likely
candidates and their lecturers.
This is the third year of the presentation which is usually done at our
Youth Services Evening at The Lodge. All change this year, it’s in the
Evolve Theatre which enables more work of the students to be displayed
rather than via photographs. This year Sarah Lewis is the winner
receiving £550 as she now studies Fashion at Staffordshire University.
Sarah Moore is the Runner Up receiving £50.
The evening started with drinks in an adjacent room and then all moved into the Evolve Theatre where a film was shown of
the students’ work with a musical accompaniment with various other displays. There followed two dancers displaying
fashion and textiles. Jamie, Ray’s granddaughter spoke of her pride in her grandfather’s legacy and was supported by ten
members of the Pedley family.
Everyone arriving with Lecturer Chinde Panesar chatting to Rotarians and the Pedley family prior to Alan starting the
proceedings and Jamie ready by his side to talk about Roy’s legacy.