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On the rather wet Saturday afternoon of 7th August, some intrepid Rotarians and partners arrived in
Halesowen to meet the Archery Instructors. Thankfully, once everyone had arrived. donned their
protective arm shields and listened to the safety instructions, the rain stopped.
The group was divided into two teams, A and B, and then Team A moved forward whilst Team B
waited behind the lines. With one-to-one tuition, everyone took aim and managed to hit the targets.
The whistle blew for the instructors to retrieve the arrows – not many had missed and gone over the top
of the targets!! Then the whistle blew again for it was the turn of Team B… and so on for the 90 minutes
which passed so quickly. Then the scores were added for each team. Team A won with Team B a close
second but each team was rewarded with a box of chocolates, albeit Team B had a smaller box!
This had been a new experience and was
thoroughly enjoyed as we then drove on to the
Talbot Arms for a welcome meal to celebrate.
Thanks to Bob for his idea and contact for this
activity, although sadly he only joined us for the
meal as Gill had an eye problem that morning
which required hospital treatment.