Page 20 - ROTO Magazine Winter
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Rotary Magazine for District 1210
     Getting to know you: District Governor Steve Antill

     How long have you been a             What are your leisure                 Name a book and a record
     Rotarian? Officially 19 years        interests? I enjoy walking – hills  you would take to a desert
     since my club, Bloxwich Phoenix,  especially, though I don’t get to        island Being told I could only
     chartered. However, I have been      do this too often. Indoors I enjoy  have one of each does seem like a
     involved with Rotary since joining   reading, listening to music and       serious case of mental torture.
     Rotaract in 1985                     playing video games. And I enjoy  When I listen to Desert Island
     How were you introduced to  the occasional beer or whisky.                 Discs, I do think which tracks I’d
     Rotary? I was invited to join        What is your favourite food?          choose and what my book and
     Rugeley Rotaract by a friend of a    As long as my ‘desert island’ has     luxury item would be. I’m never
     neighbour. He offered to let me      cheese and vanilla ice-cream I’ll     quite sure whether you should
     drive his car to meetings which                                            choose items that you know and
     was an attractive proposition as I   be happy.                             love or something more
     was learning to drive at the time    What was your first car? A            challenging you would like to find

     What is your vocation? Most          pale yellow Mini SOA 121 Y.           time to appreciate. I suspect I
     of my career has been                Temperamental but lots of fun.        would go for the former and right
     implementing and configuring         One of the few cars I’ve owned        now my book would be Rotters
     business software. I have            which I’ve cared about!               Club (Jonathan Cole) and music
     specialised in integrations and      What was your first record            Blue (Joni Mitchell) but on
     wider design and have worked         or CD? First singles bought with      another day my answers might be
     with well-known companies in         my own money were “Up the             different.
     manufacturing, retail and            Junction” (Squeeze), “Who Were
     financial services. To friends and                                         Name your favourite TV
     family I am just someone who you     you with in the Moonlight?”           programme/s Old (classic) Dr
     can ask about any IT issues.         (Dollar) and “The Lone                Who programmes. In more
                                          Ranger” (Quantum Jump). My            modern times when we binge
     What encouraged you to               first album, bought in 1978, was      watch streaming services I have
     offer yourself as District           “Parallel Lines” (Blondie) which
     Governor? Several fellow             started a music collection habit      particularly enjoyed, on Netflix,
     Rotarians mooted the idea, but it    that continues to this day            “The Good Place” and “Crazy ex
     was PDG Ken Wagstaffe who                                                  Girlfriend” I generally don’t turn
     finally prompted my application.  Who has been your greatest               over if repeats of Friends, Frasier
     The timing means that I will have  inspiration in Rotary? There            or Faulty Towers pop up on
     completed my Year before my          have been many. Possibly the          screen. Maybe I have a thing for
     daughter Chloe begins her GCSE  greatest, to me and others in my           programmes beginning with F.
     studies.                             club, was PDG Dr Fraser Dukes         If you could be in a film what
     What have you so far found           with his never-ending passion         would it be and what
     the most rewarding aspect of  and enthusiasm for Rotary’s Polio            character would you play?
     DG? It is a genuine privilege to     Eradication programme                 I would love to be one of those
     be able to visit clubs and learn     What is your favourite type           non-speaking (or partially,
     what they do. It is endlessly        of holiday? City Breaks or            speaking) bit parts in a movie,
     fascinating how each club is         remote cottages. Not hot places       something like newspaper seller
     unique yet shares so much of a                                             #2, where I would be able to say
     common purpose. I love being         If you could invent a gadget,         I’ve been in it, find and share the
     able to share these great projects  what would it be?  I have no           but never be recognised in the
     and successes across the district.  idea, but I’d like to think it would   street or be of any interest to the
     ...and the most frustrating As       be wholly pointless but somehow       tabloid press.
     DG I’m frustrated by the volume      fun.
     of meetings with unclear             If you could pass a law, what         What is your most treasured
     objectives, also the inherent and    would it be? Ideally we need          possession? I could make a
     increasing cost of Rotary            them all – I think we have            strong case for my Rotary Clubs
     subscriptions. There is much talk    enough, but I question their          mascot, Ash the Bear. He is a bit
     of flexibility but little evidence of                                      older, a bit worn, but holds a host
     this in the underlying rules and     consistent application.               of fantastic memories for me and
     systems.                                                                   our club.

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