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Rotary Magazine for District 1210
“Sewing machines and over-lockers were bought. Bins
bought and labelled. Pins, needles, tape measures,
unpicks, paper and material scissors, press stud
machines, etc bought and filled into the equipment
bins The other bins were sorted with bag, holder or
pad material. These were delivered in early February
to each of the schools. Local seamstresses were found
and each school was asked to sign a document
acknowledging receipt and responsibility for capital
“Currently we are in talks with the machine company
to arrange the training.
“Classes for the students will run Monday to Thursday
afternoon for two hours, with two classes each
afternoon. This means that all the girls only work for
one hour per week. The seamstress is there to teach
staff and students to use the machines and also create
a work routine or flow, and also alternate everyone to
learn each step of the process. Within two terms or six
months the seamstresses should be able to leave this
to the staff and students. We are putting together
teams of twelve students bargaining on ten of them
pitching up. They will do pattern cutting, material
cutting, press stud machine operation, machine work
and over-locking work, tidying up, packaging, hand
sewing required, etc.
“Each student that learns and works on the
project will receive priority for the first free
kit, then the kits will be given to each
student in the school (both schools have over
1,200 students male and female}.
“After these have been distributed the
remaining packs will be sold to the
community to replace the material required.
Thereafter, the students can move onto
sewing anything else that takes their interest
(e.g. pencil bags). Grade 12 students will be
excluded from the project so they can focus
on their studies.
“If this pilot project goes well, there is the
possibility of a huge Global Grant which
would be in the region of $45 000 to
$55,000. There is also potential for this to
be spread over district 9350, 9370 in South
Africa, and maybe even India and in
Claremont, USA.
“We foresee starting to write up this Global
Grant GG in the second half of 2023 (if not
sooner) and hopefully implementation at the
beginning of 2024.
A huge thank you goes to the Rotarians of
Claremont, Los Angeles and the brilliant
working relationship we have created".