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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

                                             What is your district role? I  What  encouraged  you  to
                                             will be District Governor for the  offer  yourself  as  District
                                             2023/24  Rotary  year,  having  Governor?  I  was  a  District
                                             previously served as an Assistant  Rotaract  Representative  during
                                             Governor,  VSE  Team  Leader,  1978/79  in  District  3142,  India
                                             and  as  a  member  of  district  (equivalent  to  District  Governor
                                             committees.                          in Rotary). It was a privilege and
                                                                                  a  very  rewarding  experience  to
                                             What  have  you  found  the          change and make a difference to
                                             most  rewarding  aspect  of          peoples’  lives.  A  passion  for
                                             your district roles  in recent       Rotary  has  been  with  me  ever
                                             years?      As    an     Assistant   since.     The     support     and
                                             Governor,  getting  to  know  the    understanding  of  a  few  Senior
                                             clubs,  understand  the  members,    Rotarians  who  understood  my
                                             listen to their views, learn about   passion      for    Rotary     also
                                             the  projects  they  do  and  their   encouraged  me.  Past  District
                                                                                  Governor  Dr  Fraser  Dukes  was
                                             Who has been your greatest           the first one to encourage me to
                                             inspiration  in  Rotary?  Past       stand  for  DG  and  later  current

       How  long  have  you  been  a         District  Governor  Dr  Venkat       DG Steve Antill also suggested I
                                                                                  should stand.
       Rotarian?  I  joined  Rotary  in      Gadwal,  of  District  3142.  He
       February  2015,  though  I  have      encouraged  me  to  join  the        What  changes  would  you
       been  involved  in  Rotary  since     Rotaract  club  of  Thane.  I  was   like to see in Rotary? Tell the
       1972 while in Rotaract for seven      awarded  Medical  Books  for  the    Rotary    success    stories   and
       years in Thane, India.                entire    course    of    Medical    Rotary     International     Vision
                                             graduation  by  this  Rotary  club
       How were you introduced to            and it changed my life forever.      Statement,  Inspire  Rotarians.
       Rotary?  As a past Rotaractor I                                            Create  enthusiasm  and  passion,
       was in search of a Rotary club. It  Others include Past District 1210      recruit younger Rotarians whilst
       was  Christmas  of  2014,  while  Governor  Dr  Fraser  Dukes  will        at  the  same  time  respecting  the
       shopping at the Saddlers Centre  always remain a great inspiration         experience  of  senior  Rotarians,
       in  Walsall  I  bumped  into  and  internationally  Past  Rotary           start    new      Rotary     clubs,
       Rotarians  from  Walsall  Rotary  International        President    Ravi   undertake     projects    in    our
       with  their  Santa  Sleigh.  I  met  Ravindran.                            communities  which  create  an
       President  Adrian  Wilcox  who                                             impact,  and  work  with  local
       invited me to join Rotary.            Who has been your greatest           voluntary  organisations.  Dream
                                             inspiration       outside       of   of Rotary bustling with activities,
       What  was  your  vocation             Rotary?  It  has  to  be  my  dad    enthusiasm  and  responding  to
       before  retirement.  I worked         who  always  said  ‘Whatever  you    the  community  needs,  people
       as  a  General  Surgeon  for  26      do  in  life  give  your  best’  and   acknowledging  Rotary  in  our
       years in India and UK. I changed      ‘Think of the less fortunate ones    communities and wanting to join
       to General Practice in 2006 and       and try to help change their life’.   us. It is a team effort and up to
       retired in 2021. I am a Fellow of     Others  include  Mrs  Barde,  my     us  to  turn  this  dream  into  a
       the  Royal  College  of  Surgeons     schoolteacher  and  Dr  Tilak,       reality.
       and also a Member of the Royal        surgical  trainer  in  my  Medical
       College of General Practitioners.     School.                              What      are     your     leisure
       I  had  a  very  rewarding  career                                         interests?  I  love  golf,  reading
       and  I  understand  from  my  And  the  most  frustrating?                 history,    and     travelling     -
       colleagues  that  my  patients  still  Refusal to change with times and    especially trekking.
       miss me.                              apathy in some members.

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