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Rotary Magazine for District 1210

         The  Bank  Holiday  on  the  Monday
         following  the  Coronation  gave  many
         Rotarians the opportunity to volunteer
         as  part  of  the  nationwide  ‘Big  Help

         In  Newport,  Rotarians  from  both
         Newport  clubs  were  among  the
         volunteers  who  turned  out    to  plant  a
         community  coronation  orchard  in  the
         town’s Victoria Park and they were the
         group  that  was  featured  in  the
         photograph on the front of the Town’s
         weekly  newspaper.  Rotarians  John
         Morton and Gareth Lambe were shown
         representing  Rotary  with  Newport
         Town  and  Borough  councillor  Peter
         Scott .
         Approximately  40  volunteers  from
         many  of  Newport’s  community  groups
         met  to  plant  fruit  trees  in  a  lasting
         tribute to the coronation and the town’s
         strong volunteering network.
         Councillor Scott explained: “We’ve had
         a huge group of volunteers from 13 of
         Newport’s community groups represented.

         “Each group came and planted their own tree, which will be labelled with their group name.”
         Other groups participating included a walking group, local litter-pickers and The Hub – a youth club
         and  community  café.  Apple,  pear,  plum  and  damson  trees  were  planted,  which  will  provide
         Newport’s residents and visitors with free, fresh fruit for the foreseeable future.
         Councillor Scott added: “It has been put there with the future in mind, which is exactly what The
         King wanted, for volunteers to do something that will help others for years to come. It  was very
         heartening to see so many people come down, it went really very well.”

         Wellington  Rotarians  were  recently  very  fortunate  to  have  an  interesting  presentation  by  Ross
         Jones,  a  commercial  drone  pilot  producing  visuals  for  his  own  employers  and  other  commercial
         businesses  such  as  house  builders  and  surveyors  as
         well  as  media  outlets  including  the  BBC  and
         Shropshire Star.
         He  illustrated  his  talk  with  fantastic  photos,  many
         taken from a tiny 249g plastic drone which members
         had a chance to examine. The photos he passed round
         were  brilliant  in  their  clarity  and  demonstrated  the
         potential for business use. Ross included comments on
         military drones, the negative side such as flying them
         in  restricted  areas  such  as  airfields  and  prisons  and
         also discussed his thoughts on future developments.
         Ross is pictured showing the drone he uses to take the
         aerial photographs to club President Richard Studd

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