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Rotary Magazine for District 1210
What do you do to relax? Name your favourite TV What is your most
I do yoga and meditation. I am programmes. I like action treasured possession? My
also a regular gym user. movies, documentaries by Sir dad’s wristwatch which he gave
David Attenborough and me when I passed my A levels
What is your favourite National Geographic TV. I also and the trophy I was awarded in
food? I like several love to watch cartoon movies 1979 ‘Outstanding Leadership’ at
international cuisines, however with my grandson who loves RYLA in Mahabaleshwar, India.
Italian food is my favourite. ‘Alvin and the Chipmunks’ and I still treasure it in my study and
‘Grizzy and the Lemmings’ it continues to inspire me to
What was your first car? I work hard and do my best.
was in Mumbai when I got a What Olympic sport would
‘Maruti-Suzuki’ in 1987. It was a you compete in? I used to Is there something about
small 800cc car for which I had excel in javelin throw in my life that you have never
to wait three years. school and I would have loved to understood? Where and in
compete in this sport. which family you are born is
What is your favourite type If you could meet an never in anybody’s control and
of holiday? My wife Ujwala historical figure who would yet people discriminate against
and I love trekking in the Lake you choose? It has to be each others, why - and will it
ever end?
District or in the Alps of Mahatma Gandhi, who got his
Switzerland and Austria. We lawyers degree in London before If you had to be stuck in a
love the lakes and the he had an extremely successful lift with someone who
mountains. law practice in South Africa. He would you prefer it to be?
then gave up everything for his Not knowing how long I would
If you could invent a gadget nation and preached non- be stuck, I would prefer to be
what would it be? It would be violence. Such people are born with an optimist of the likes of
a wrist band / watch which once in a century. Brian Lara, a world cricket
would indicate instant cardiac/ legend.
stroke risk as well as the effect of What is the best piece of
lifestyle and diet over time. advice you have ever been If you didn’t live in Britain
given? It has to be a teaching where would you choose to
What was your first record from the religious Book live? It would be the South
or CD? ABBA. ‘Bhagvad Gita’ (a Bible for Island of New Zealand in the
Hindus), chapter 2 verse 47 in midst of mountains and lakes.
Name a book and a record Sanskrit, it translates as What is your most valuable
you would take to a desert “Perform your duty but do not possession? I believe health is
island. I would take a book have any expectations of the the most valuable possession for
called Ikigai - The Japanese fruits” everyone.
secret to a long and happy life. If you had an unlimited
My record would be Sitar by supply of one thing, what Reveal something about
Ravi Shankar. would it be? Enthusiasm and yourself that might surprise
energy. us. I sang a few songs in my
If you could pass a law, school and college programmes.
what would it be? It would be Name the five guests you
a fixed penalty for litter and would invite to a dinner Your Rotary in Three
plastic throwing. party. I would like to have my Words. Change Peoples’ Lives.
best friends and family, a Compose a slogan to sum up
If you could be in a film, comedian, a storyteller, a your life. ‘Dream it, Believe it,
what would it be and what historian and a musician. Achieve it’
character would you play? A
film aiming to bring about an Which living person do you How would you like to be
end to social and religious most admire, and why? Sir remembered? A passionate
discrimination. The role would David Attenborough for his Rotarian who worked hard to
passion to create an awareness
be of an educationalist. bring about a positive change to
to save our planet Earth.
peoples’ lives.