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Rotary Magazine for District 1210
The front cover of Rotary shows the President of
Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, receiving
Walsall Rotary’s fundraising book Kyiv -
Moments in Time.
The book is a selection of photographs taken in
Kyiv between 1996 and 1999 by Peter Ford a
former UK Foreign Office Diplomat in Kyiv now
living in Walsall.
All profit from the book are donated to Walsall
Rotary’s Ukraine fund.
Walsall Rotary are fortunate to have a member’s
wife who comes from Ukraine and who is in
daily contact obtaining updates of medical
supply requirements which change constantly.
The club purchases supplies in the UK and then
sends them direct to a Rotary Club in Poland
which then forwards to a Rotary Club in
Ukraine for delivery where needed.
Typically, Walsall Rotary receives documentation and photographs of the kit at the front line a
week after leaving Walsall.
Other Rotary Clubs are sending kit to be delivered via our safe route and are just dispatching
generators for field hospitals sent by Burnley Rotary.
The book is selling well via Rotary and online book sellers as well as through the amazing contacts of
Peter Ford including BBC TV and Radio interviews.
Copies can be obtained online at or, ideally, from Walsall Rotary member Trevor
The Vocational Study Exchange (VSE) committee has put out a
‘Last Call’ for team members to be identified the selection ahead
of the forthcoming VSE programme in September/October of
this year. The team will visit the Groningen area, situated in the
north of The Netherlands in District 1590. Potential team
members need to be identified for selection before the closing
date of the end of June 2023.
Priority in the first instance will be given to the four preferred vocations identified by our Dutch
colleagues - Police, Veterinary services, Dental services and Undertaking but the available
opportunities can now be circulated more widely to other vocations.
The priority is to identify good candidates who will be ambassadors of their vocations and our
Rotary District. Whilst primarily intended for non-Rotarians appropriate Rotarians may apply.
This unique opportunity is open to anyone over 18 years of age, not in full time education, who lives
or works in our District and is able to represent their vocation. They should be prepared to work
within the team under the guidance of the team leader, to make short presentations in the host
District and in our District on their return.
All travel and accommodation are provided. Vocational opportunities and cultural visits in the
hosting Country will be organised by the hosting District according to their opportunities.
Further information and application forms from John Mottram –