P. 18

Dudley Swimming Club for nearly 40 years, as Honorary Secretary from age 20 and finishing as
                  President (1928 & 29).  His home was in Ednam Road, Dudley.

            40    William  CRANAGE  (1877-1946)  (‘Original  member’  joined  3.7.1922;  resigned  2.11.1925.)
                  Caterer  and  Confectioner.    Originally  from  West  Bromwich  where  he  worked  as  a  ‘sweet
                  confectioner’, he started his own bakery business in Castle Street, Dudley in 1903 but by 1913
                  had a high-class confectionery shop and new cafe (offering ‘dainty afternoon teas’) on the High
                  Street.  About 1926 he had also opened the elegant Royal Turf Cafe on High Street, Stourbridge.
                  The head office and bakery moved to Stourbridge in 1942.  He lived for a time in Kings Heath,
                  Birmingham,  then  Moss  Grove,  Kingswinford  and  Waddam’s  Pool  (Hall  Street)  Dudley.    He
                  moved to Pedmore in 1932 but remained a leading member of Dudley Traders Association. The
                  firm Cranage’s continued to prosper after his death.  He was also a freemason, member of the
                  Harmonic Lodge  of Worcestershire,  and  long-time  supporter  of  the  Dudley  Institute  and  its
                  President 1926-28.

            41    James WHALEY, BSc (1874-1937) (‘Original member’ joined 3.7.1922; died 27.5.1937 aged 63
                                     whilst still a member.)  Director of Education for the Borough of Dudley
                                     from  1920  until  his  sudden  death  just  months  before  his  intended
                                     retirement.  He was born in Bradford where he became a pupil teacher at
                                     the  age  of  14,  then  attended  Victoria  University  Leeds  (1892-96)  and
                                     obtained his BSc and teaching certificate.  After some years as a master,
                                     headmaster and lecturer, including teaching chemistry at evening classes
                                     at Bradford Mechanics’ Institute, he moved into education administration.
                                     In 1908 he became Inspector of Elementary Schools for half of the West
                                     Riding of Yorkshire and from 1918 was Director of Education for Morley
                  near Leeds.  As Director at Dudley he was secretary to Dudley Training College, the Technical
                  College, Dudley Educational Foundation, and the Girls’ High School Governors.  He was also
                  associated with Dudley Literary Society.  He lived at Park Road (now Parkway Road, adjacent to
                  Grange Park).

                  Last of the ‘Original Members’

            42    Arthur DAVIES, JP (1871-1955) (Elected 17.7.1922; resigned 21.1.1930)  Master Baker.  In about
                  1906 he took over his father’s (Thomas Davies’) bread and cake bakery in Bond Street, Dudley,
                  having  worked  there  from  before  the  age  of 20.    In  1907  he opened  The Model  Bakery  in
                  Wellington Road (corner of Russell Street) which continued until 1941.  He was a member of the
                  Dudley Board of Guardians (which administered relief to the poor) 1925-1930, a long-standing
                  member of Dudley Conservative Club and Dudley councillor 1928-1931, and magistrate on the
                  Dudley Bench 1935-1949.  He was organist and choirmaster at St Mary’s Church, Kingswinford
                  for 20 years until 1915 and then at St Luke's Church, Wellington Road, Dudley for many more
                  years.  In his younger days was also a professional organist as well as a baker.  During the 1920s
                  he operated a billiard hall in Wellington Road.  Until he retired in 1941 he was often seen in
                  Dudley town centre on horseback.
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