P. 28

Abbot & Co., engineers, Gateshead-on-Tyne (1906-08); and then Ironworks Manager of Guest,
                  Keen  &  Nettlefolds’  London  Works  ironworks,  Smethwick  (1908-13),  before  joining  J  &  C
                  Holcroft.  From the time he joined the club he lived at Edgbaston, then moved to Little Aston,
                  and retired to near Sidmouth in Devon.

            69    John Lewis FREAKLEY (1878-1958) (Elected 5.2.1923; resigned 28.4.1924.)  Blast furnace slag
                  merchant.   Managing  director  of  the  family  firm  of John  Freakley  & Co  Ltd,  slag  and  stone
                  merchants of Dudley Port, Tipton.  He started in the business as a clerk, then cashier, before
                  becoming a director.  He was a Deacon of King Street Congregational Church and long associated
                  with Dudley Golf Club, becoming Captain in 1934-35.  He lived at Burnt Tree and in later life at
                  the Foxyards, Tipton.

            70    Godfrey Meggitt MORTON, JP (1880-1952) (Elected 5.3.1923; resigned 17.3.1930.)  Newspaper
                  owner.  Proprietor of Herald Press, publisher of the Dudley Herald, and
                  later Chairman of Midland United Newspapers which became the owner
                  of  Herald  Press.    He  was  raised  in  Lincolnshire,  son  of  a  printer  and
                  bookseller, and started in that trade, but in 1909 became editor and
                  publisher of the Ross Gazette at Ross-on-Wye, Herefordshire.  He was
                  prominent in that town and instrumental in setting up the Ross Traders
                  Association, forerunner of the Chamber of Commerce.  He left in 1919 to
                  take  charge  of  Herald  Press,  Dudley,  but  remained  Chairman  of  the
                  Gazette (also part of Midland United Newspapers) until his death.  He
                  was  also  chairman  of  the  Blackett  Press,  Bath;  Hepworth  Press,  Kidderminster;  and  Ford  &
                  Addison, Brierley Hill; and a director of Dudley woollen manufacturers Grainger & Smith; M
                  Hyam Wholesale Clothing of London and Colchester; and Town Mills Ltd of Dudley.  Despite his
                  business being based in Dudley, and being a Dudley magistrate from 1934 to 1950, he never
                  lived there.  His home was in Cheltenham until 1929, then for the next 20 years just a mile away
                  at Charlton Kings, and at the end of his life he bought a house in Henley-on-Thames and an
                  apartment in the fashionable Eaton Square, London SW1.  During the First World War he was a
                  member of the 1st Battalion Herefordshire Volunteer Regiment, rising to the rank of Major, and
                  during the last War was Ambulance Officer for Cheltenham.

            71    Frederick Richard (‘Mac’) McDOWELL (1868-1951) (Elected 19.3.1923; left
                  c.1928.)  Political  Agent;  Secretary  and  Agent  for  the  Dudley  Unionist
                  Association and local Conservative party from 1910 until retiring in 1919 but
                  resumed again from 1921 until 1928 when he finally retired because of ill
                  health.   During this period he organised five General Elections campaigns,
                  all of which were won by his party.  In April 1927 he offered to resign from
                  the Rotary Club because Rotary International said his classification was not
                  recognised under the Constitution, but a few weeks later, with the support
                  of RIBI, Club Council unanimously resolved that “the classification of Political
                  Agent is a proper one in Rotary and that Mr McDowell be asked to remain a member under that
                  classification”.  In 1914, as the First World War was starting, he suffered a nervous breakdown
                  and went to Lisbon and the Canary Islands to recuperate. Soon afterwards, and setting political
                  rivalries aside, he and his Liberal agent counterpart John Dodson were largely responsible for
                  founding the Dudley Patriotic Committee which collected money for returning soldiers.  In 1925
                  he helped organise a ‘great bazaar’ that raised nearly £20,000 for the Guest Hospital; and from
                  1923 to 1929 was a Dudley councillor.
                       He was brought up in South Hayling, Hampshire and started work as a gardener’s apprentice
                  at age 13.  In his twenties he spent a time in Argentina before joining his mother in Rotherham
                  where she had re-married after being widowed.   For a few years he was a gas meter reader and
                  Conservative & Unionist sub-agent in Rotherham before becoming full-time Conservative agent
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