P. 31

81    Howard  Reginald  WILKS  (1892-1974)  (Elected  15.8.1923;  resigned  5.1.1925.)  Sparking  plug
                        manufacturer.  Managing Director of The Igna Engineering Company, High Street, Dudley which
                        he formed with another engineer, Fred Brown, in 1919.  The firm manufactured ‘Igna’ spark
                        plugs, which were fitted in leading British brands of motor cars and motor cycles.  The company
                        was a pioneer in early radio equipment, making ‘Ignaphone’ valve radios and crystal radio sets,
                        and owned one share in the British Broadcasting Company, commercial forerunner of the BBC.
                        Before joining Igna, Howard was a draughtsman and designer with Thomas Crosbee & Sons Ltd,
                        spark plug manufacturers in east Birmingham.  He left the Rotary club in 1925, and Igna soon
                        afterwards, to set up his own firm The Birmingham Art Metal Works, manufacturers of hearth
                        furniture and other fancy domestic metal items.  The business failed in 1939 - blamed on keen
                        competition and ‘the introduction of tiled hearths which do not require furnishing’ - and he was
                        declared  bankrupt.    He  returned  to  being  an  engineering  draughtsman.    Howard  was  an
                        inventive designer: he obtained numerous patents including improved spark plugs, adjustable
                        spanners and hearth fenders.  He lived at various addresses around Birmingham but never in
                        Dudley.  Around 1959 he retired to Douglas, Isle of Man, where he spent his final years.

                  82    William Henry  HILL (1876-1966)  (Elected 1.10.1923;  membership  terminated 8.4.1929.)  His
                        original classification was Stationer but this was changed to Printer a few months later.  He was
                        proprietor of the old-established firm of printers and stationers Charles Poultney of Newhall
                        Street, Dudley.  (Newhall Street was cleared to make way for the Churchill shopping arcade.)  In
                        1939 he restructured the business as Poultney Phoenix Printerie Limited, printers and stationery
                        manufacturers,  later  renamed  Poultney  Phoenix  Press.    The  business,  founded  in  1742,
                        continued  until  2005.    He  was  a  long-time  leading  member  of  the  King  Street  Wesleyan
                        Methodist  Church  and  during  the  First  World  War  was  Secretary  of  the  Dudley  Traders

                  83    Thomas Henry SMITH  ( - ) (Elected 1.10.1923; membership terminated 19.3.1928.)  Licensed
                        Houses Manager.  He was a manager with Wolverhampton and Dudley Breweries and lived at
                        Bromley House, Dixon’s Green, Dudley but little else is known about him.  There are too many
                        people of the same name.

                  84    Theodore (‘Theo’) Wrigley QUARMBY (1886-1971) (Elected 15.10.1923; resigned 22.4.1929.)
                        Clerk to the Guardians.  The Board of Guardians were elected representatives responsible for
                        the relief of the poor in the town.  He came to Dudley in 1919 from his home town of Oldham
                        where he was Deputy Clerk to the Board of Guardians, having started with the Board in 1901 as
                        a junior clerk.  In 1929 responsibility for welfare of the poor was transferred to county and
                        borough  councils.    This  coincided  with  his  move  from  Dudley  to  Stafford  to  become Public
                        Assistance Officer for Staffordshire.  He retired in 1946 after over 40 years’ service in Poor Law
                        work.  During the First World War he served first with the Lancashire Fusiliers and then the
                        Machine Gun Corps in France, holding the rank of Lieutenant.  After the war he continued in the
                        Territorials, transferring to the 7th Battalion Worcestershire Regiment on his move to Dudley,
                        where he was second-in-command.  Whilst working in Dudley he lived at Netley House, Gravel
                        Hill,  Wombourne  and  briefly  at  Pedmore.    From  Stafford  he  retired  to  West  Mersea  near
                        Colchester where he was a prominent bee-keeper.  He was involved in running the Essex County
                        Honey Show for a number of years and was Vice Chairman 1958-59 of the National Honey Show.
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