Page 1 - HRIS - Human Resource Management - T
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  Management Information



                                                                 GROUP MEMBERS


                                                                        Carrie-Ann Lynch                      HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT

                                                                          Cindy Bartley

      Performance Management Information Sys-
      tems include performance appraisal data and                        Kereisha Lewis
      productivity information data. This system is
      frequently used as evidence in employee griev-
      ance matters. Careful documentation of em-                        Donovan Martin
      ployee performance and of how the perfor-
      mance was measured and reported in critical
      to acceptance of appraisal information in                          Diane Jackson
      grievance hearing. Performance management
      systems can lead to a number of decisions be-
      yond merely the decisions to retain, promote,
      transfer or terminate an employee.
     Goal setting and revising                                Introduction to Human Resource
                                                               Management HRMT1100
     Management and coaching

     Development planning
     Rewards and recognition
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