Page 2 - HRIS - Human Resource Management - T
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Employee Information                                          Position Control

          HRIS SOFTWARE                                 System

     HRIS stands for Human Resources Infor-

     mation System. The Human Resource Infor-

     mation System is a system used to collect and
     store data on an organization's employees, like

     their name, address, age, salary, benefits, time

     and attendance, performance reviews, and

     more. This data is valuable input for data-
     driven decision-making in HR.
                                                         Employee information systems are a major part of          The concept of position control systems is in-
     The main purpose of maintaining HRIS system
                                                         operational HRIS. Organizations need to keep a track      troduced in an organization in order to identify
                                                         of an employee’s records and details pertaining to all    each position within the organization; the job
     is to gather, classify, process, record and dis-    kinds of personal and professional details including      title within which the position is classified; and
                                                         name, address, sex, minority status, citizenship, edu-    the employee currently assigned to the posi-
     seminates the information required for effi-
                                                         cation, past professional experiences and much            tion. Referring to the position control systems,
     cient and effective management of human re-         more.                                                     a HR manager can identify the details about
                                                         BENEFITS                                                  and unfilled position.
     sources in the organization.                           Complete complex employment processes in an easy   BENEFITS
     HRIS software solutions provide a number of         manner                                                   Simplify Recruitment

     benefits for companies large and small. They           Get real-time updates on an employee transfer, pro-     Streamline the succession planning process

     can be split into two groups: those that benefit    motion, confirmation and end of service
                                                                                                                  Recruitment
     the business owner and HR department and
                                                            Have a complete view of your team and your organiza-
     those that benefit the employees.                   tion                                                     Talent Retention

     The average cost for an HRIS system is                                                                    
                                                            Take immediate actions and initiate HR processes      Administration
     US$6,125 per user over a five year period or
                                                                                                                  Payroll
     US$100 per user per month.
                                                                                                                  Management
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