Page 16 - Rotary GML_Mar_2022
P. 16
One of the senior most Clubs of the District having the special distinction of having all the
FEB top Industrialist and Creators of The Industrial City of Coimbatore as their past members.
17 Ably led by Swaminathan and Mohanasundaram as their 77th President and Secretary.
Some of the major projects completed by them are provision of a new dining facility at the
ITI Campus at Thudiyalur at a cost of 50,000/-. Donated a van to YWCA Senior Citizen Home
costing 5,50,000/, Conducted ‘As I Evolve’ their ongoing Leadership Enhancement Program
for college students, Recognized 60 postmen and women and in association with the TN
Agricultural University recognized 30 farmers including Padmashri Thirumathi Papammal.
Through one of their Global Grants ‘Parisutham’ have built 92 toilets at Panapalli Village
and through their other Global Grant have started Free Dialysis and Free Mammography
Centers. Must mention of the Philanthropy of PDG K S Pillai who as promised has donated
1,00,000/- from his matured insurance policy to the Foundation and DGN Sundravadivelu
for his contribution as a AKS Member.
DD Kumaresan, AG Ganesh Kumar and GGR Jayakandhan are pillars of support for the Club.