Page 19 - Rotary GML_Mar_2022
P. 19
My Journey in Rotary!
A Urgent call in 1958 from a family friend was were suffering from an acute heart problem (hole in
the start of My journey as a Rotarian. Was inducted the heart), hence could not take part in sports and in
at the age of 19 as a member of the Rotary Club of fact the Doctors had given only few years more. ‘Rotary
Coimbatore. Initially was hesitant being awe struck to Connects’ - through Rotary connections were able to
be in the midst of the top citizens of the city like Sri G K contact the leading Cardiologist of Vellore Hospital
Devarajulu, Sri R Venketaswamy, Sri G D Naidu, Sri M.S Dr John who immediately agreed to do the surgeries
Jaganathan, Sri Sundram Pillai and others but with their free for Rotary. Within 2 weeks the kids were back to
guidance and motivation learnt the ropes of Rotary. In Coimbatore able to play and lead a normal life. Such
1970 was Secretary along with President Dr. Subbian, moments only make me thank the Almighty for my
the VC of Bharathiar University. It was in that year that being a Rotarian.
the 1st Inner Wheel was Chartered with Ann Amirtham
Vardaraj as President and Ann Shobha Gokuldas as
Secretary. As their first major project the 1st Eye Camp
was held at President Hall with the assistance of Dr
Venkatasamy, founder of Arvind Eye Hospital, Madurai.
In 1972 finding scope for one more Rotary club
after Rotary West was formed. Rotary Coimbatore
Midtown was formed as the 3rd Club in Coimbatore
with Rtn. Jagatheesan as Charter President and myself
as Charter Secretary along with 20 members. The
lack of a proper place to conduct our meetings and
programs led President Jagatheesan to create SRP
Rotary Coimbatore Midtown Hall, at Devanga High
School which even after so many decades still stands a Many such incidents led to huge projects - 5 acre
symbol of Rotary in the middle of the city. of land at Saravanampatti donated by Rtn. Nataraj
In life many times big things happen through to Sankara Eye Society to start Sankara Eye Hospital
coincidences. During K L Vardaraj’s term a bus shelter which today have spread their branches to many cities
was built at Neelambur on Avinashi road as the people in India and are doing yeoman service in eye care to
had to stand without any cover while waiting for the millions of people. I remember that we were the 1st to
bus. This further led to building the 1st School block with promote the habit of donating eyes to Sankara Hospital
proper toilets. Again during a visit to the School on their and are still recognized as the 1st Donor Family. In fact
sports day, we observed 2 Children, a young boy and when the eyes of my Aunt were given to a young 8 year
girl standing by the side with a keen look in their eyes girl who had lost her eyesight when she was one and in
to participate in the sports activities. On inquiring with the public function when the young girl expressed her
the Head Master, we came to know that the siblings gratitude to Rotary and Sankara Eye society - since she
saw her parents for the first time. The audience were so
Rotary is lucky to have three generations of the moved by her speech, Dr. Ramani said “2 dry eyes have
Raichura Family in their fold - from Father Late made 1500 eyes wet” (750 audience).
Gokuldas, then three Brothers - Suresh, PDG Another incident was as Chairman for a Camp
Prathap, Charter Member of Rotary Texcity Arun organized for corrective surgery for polio affected kids
and now Ajay Suresh Raichura. Suresh Gokuldas We planned for 100 surgeries but performed 215. The
has been an active Round Tabler and was the All surgeries were done by Dr. Vygas Vardu from Andhra
India Secretary in 1976. Keen Golfer, has played Pradesh and during the Valedictory function Chief
all over the World and was the first to be awarded Guest Mrs Varadraj just removed her gold bangles
a Flying License from the Coimbatore Flying Club. and donated them on coming to know that there was a
short fall in the budget of this project.