Page 22 - Rotary GML_Mar_2022
P. 22

First Lady’s


                Ann. Shanthi Rajasekhar
                       Governor Partner
        Warm Greetings to The Rotary Family of RI Dist 3201!

        Friends, hope you all must be aware of “CHITHIRAM”, a event planned for the Rotary families of Coimbatore
        Region and am sure you would have received the brochure in your WhatsApp groups. This event is being organized
        by  the First Ladies, Spouses of Assistant Governors, Lady Presidents and GGR”s of Coimbatore,
         Lot of planning has gone into it. The competitions for Annettes are divided according to their age groups. There
        are separate competitions for Anns, Rotarians and as a family as a whole. There are attractive Cash Prizes also
        :1st   place - ₹3000, 2nd place - ₹2000 and 3rd place - ₹1000. There is also an overall championship for the club
        which performs the best.
        Some competitions will be held online and some on the spot. For the online entries, your video/picture should
        reach us before 31st March . For the on the spot competitions, your confirmation of participation should reach
        us before March 31st. We have planned a lot of interesting events. For any queries feel free to contact us. TEAM
        CHITHIRAM invites all of you (Coimbatore Zone) to participate in the competitions and make it a memorable event
        ! We may plan a similar kind of event for the other regions also.
                                                                                Yours in Rotary
                                                                                Ann. Shanthi Rajasekhar

                                        CO EDITOR’S MUSINGS

        Success isn’t achieved overnight! Let it be your profession, personal life or a sports carrier. Only after facing
        tough trials and tests in extreme conditions backed by a lot of hard work, dedication and commitment is it
        Ratan Tata, Rahul Bajaj, Warren Buffet or Bill Gates, for that matter take any top Businessman or Woman,
        have been able to reach the high pedestal they have now reached only after burning the midnight oil learning
        and following their dreams with utmost commitment and dedication.
        Roger Fedder had to hit lakhs of balls to achieve the perfect stroke, Michael Jordon had to basket thousands
        of balls to achieve the perfect Basket, Lewis Hamilton had to put in hours of practice right from Go Karting
        to the F1 tracks to achieve the perfect balance of speed and control or The Williams Sisters rising from
        the bottom with only hard work mastering the tennis courts around the tennis circuit or Pankaj Advani for
        the hours spent on the table to master the green Blaize. It is the same for any top sports person, they have
        reached where they are now only because of their hard work and dedication.
        Similarly a singer like  Lata mangeshkar had to learn  and  rehass or  practice for hours together for many years
        before she could strike the right Sur and taal and deliver the memorable songs we enjoy now Or the super
        music composer like Bappi Lahiri, who only after years of training, practicing and reinventing could produce such
        memorable music numbers which not only set the  party mood but also induced even the most reluctant to start
        dancing with his scintillating music !
        There are no shortcuts to success – Only Hard work, commitment and Dedication are the stepping stones to
        achieve success. Similarly Rotary after decades of hard work, dedication and commitment was able to fulfill
        their dream of making the World Polio Free !
                                                                                Ann. Amritha Lund
        22   OUR LOVELY PLANET    MARCH 2022
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