Page 14 - Rotary 3201 GML March 2022
P. 14


                        We started the day by Inaugurating a renovated damaged iron bridge over the Edappally Canal
              FEB       benefiting more than 200 people who live on either side of the canal. A solar Lamp was also
               3        installed there. To inculcate the importance of agriculture and green cover, they have created
                        a kitchen garden in their adopted School. The students are actively involved in planting and
                        maintaining of the plants there. They have also provided the School with Cupboards and a
                        projector. To enhance Rotary’s Image they have placed a huge hoarding on the walls of this
                        school which is on the busy mini by-pass on the entry point of Tripunithura. They have placed
                        another banner at their member’s office near an important junction (SN Junction) in Tripunithura
                        showcasing the 7 focus areas of Rotary . Must Congratulate President Dr. John Mathew, Secretary
                        Adv. Ramakrishnan Potty and Team Tripunithura for the great work they are doing.
                        DD Varghese Joy, AG Narendra Kumar and GGR Adv. Sabu are ably supporting them in their
                        excellent programs and projects.

        14   OUR LOVELY PLANET    MARCH 2022
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