Page 17 - Rotary 3201 GML March 2022
P. 17


                        A Vibrant Club with a flair for music and sports and have a habit  of  conducting many innovative
              FEB       programs and projects. The Club is led by President Bhavik Momaya and Secretary Murali and
              22        ably supported by many senior members like Chella, Amrish, CG Kumar and others. They have
                        completed a joint project with CSR partner Baker and Huges of  renovation of Govt School at
                        Ganesapuram at a cost of Rs. 23 Lakhs. They also  recently completed construction of a school
                        block  at Veeriyampalyam  at  cost  of  Rs  38  lakhs They  have  planned    for  a  Echo  Park  near
                        Navakkarai where 5000 trees have been planted and a pond has been deepened and widened.
                        They continue with their signature projects ‘Shenbagham’ -  Educational support to single parent
                        girl child to enable them to complete their education and ‘BBC’ – Fellowship and Friendship
                        through Cricket.
                        We inaugurated a state of the art Computer Math Lab with 30 machines with the best software
                        at their adopted School - Krishnapuram Middle School. The evening function was lively in a
                        Retro theme. A new member was also added to their fold. The highlight was -  Launched a most
                        unique method of promoting the Rotary 4 way Test – through a musical video.
                        This beautiful piece is composed by CG Kumar and sung by Rotarians Chella  Raghavendran,
                        C.G.Kumar, Murali Balakrishnan, Satheesh Vijayan, Bhavik Momaya, Sathish Nair, Tarun Ramesh,
                        Ann Lakshmi Murali Balakrishnan, Ann Alpa Chandresh Panchal, Annet Tamara Nair,  Annette
                        Niranjana  Nair and Ann Revathi Ganesan.  Hats off for this fabulous effort !

                        The link for this is
                        DD Kumaresan, AG Ganesh Kumar and GGR Arullumaran are big pillars of support to the club.

                                            Rotary 4 Way Test Lyrics

                                             Off the things we think say or do
          ========                            ========                              ========
          Is it the truth?                     Is it the truth?                     Is it the truth?
          ‘Satyameva Jayathe’ (Hindi)         ‘ Vaaimaye vellum’ (Tamil)            ‘Satyameva Jayathe ..’
          Is it fair to all concerned         Is it fair to all concerned           ‘Satyameva Jayathe ..’
          ‘Nermai thavara mattom’ (Tamil)     ‘Imaandar hamesha honge’ (Hindi)      ‘Sathyameva Jayathe..’ (Hindi)
          Will it build goodwill and better friendship   Will it build goodwill and better friendship
          ‘Natpal malarum anbu’ (Tamil)       ‘Yaari sabse pyari’ (Hindi)
          Will it be beneficial to all concerned  Will it be beneficial to all concerned
          ‘Sabko hoga faida’ (Hindi)          ‘Ellorkum payan serum’ (Tamil)

                                                                           OUR LOVELY PLANET     MARCH 2022    17
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