Page 20 - Rotary 3201 GML March 2022
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One moment in Midtown’s History was during Inder  second chance in life with devoted service of Pragash
        Chand’s term - he wanted a very effective project which  Angappan and Team.
        would put Coimbatore Midtown on the Rotary Global        During    Dr.  Murli’s  President  ship with  Support  of
        Map. The job was assigned to me and as Chairman.      Ramakrishna Hospital yet another outstanding project
        We  arranged  for  250  wheelchairs  with  a  matching   was initiated - Brain Surgery to Poor Children. Again
        Grant worth  16  lakhs from  USA for the  handicapped   with  Ramakrishna Hospital our Cleft Lip Project has
                                                              helped    children  who  due  to  this  deficiency  could
                                                              neither speak nor eat properly. During the pandemic
                                                              President  Krishna  Kumar  &  Secretary  Sri  Ram  were
                                                              seen  distributing food to the  Needy  practically  every
                                                              day. Under their leadership a Water Tank was setup to
                                                              Vagarayam  Palayam  Govt  School  for  1600  Children.
                                                              Not only help to Humans but Thiagarajan arranged for
                                                              huge water trough storing water for Wild Elephants

                                                              Call it Game Changer / Call it New Lease of Life.
                                                              Call it vision for the Blind.
        people  in  Manila,  Philippines.  On  our  visit  there  we   Midtown has done it all, silently and steadily year after
        notice many polio affected and war victims who were   year.
        handicapped. Along with a tie up with Rotary Makati
        West in Manila was born THE ARTIFICIAL LIMB Project.
        With  outstanding  efforts  of  Rtn  Baboo  Kannan  and
        team. Through project ‘Walk Again’ we have distributed  Rtn. Suresh Gokuldas
        over  20,000  artificial  limbs  giving  those  affected  a  64 Years in Rotary


                                         155  CLUB OF RI DIST 3201
        An  idiosyncratic  all  Ladies  Club was  inaugurated  on
        28th  February  2022,  at  IMA  House,  Cochin  by    DG
        Rajasekhar Srinivasan  by unfurling the flag of Rotary
        Club  of  Cochin  Frontiers.  This  Club  of  outstanding
        members  was  initiated  by  Rtn.  Dr.  K.V.  Thomas  and
        Rtn. Dr. Leelamma  Thomas. Rtn.Malini Jayaram was
        installed  as  the  Charter  President  of  the  Club  after
        She along with the other 23 members were inducted
        into the Rotary fold who are passionate to walk that
        extra mile to do service. Six more members are on the
        anvil. The event was graced by the presence of several
        eminent Rotarians who inspired and encouraged the
        new members . DG Rajasekhar Srinivasan enlightened
        the new Rotarians about the basics of Rotary and roles
        of Rotary Clubs in service to humanity in general. He
        then    familiarized  the  new  team  with  the  ongoing
        projects  of  the  Rotary  District,  the  ‘Seven Wonders’.    increasing the Stree Sakthi  of the District by forming
        Charter President Rtn. Malini Jayaram shared the path   the 3rd All Ladies Club of the District.
        ahead as planned by them and informed of the projects  Congrats  to  President  Rtn.  Vipin  and  Team  Rotary
        that will be undertaken by her team.   DG  Rajasekhar  Cochin Lords on not only sponsoring this new Club but
        congratulated  Club  Advisor  Leelamma  Thomas  for  also supporting and motivating them.

        20   OUR LOVELY PLANET    MARCH 2022
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