Page 23 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 23

I always listened to my cus-                                 He explained it by clarifying

 tomers and their needs, and                                  the challenges one might face
 always leads me to success                                   when opening a business be-

 because of  it.”                                             cause when you open a busi-

                                                              ness, you put your money in the

 Based on his experience and                                  bank, you don’t have any bar-

 success, he gave the word for                                riers, psychological barriers, or

 those entrepreneurs or young                                 economic barriers that give you

 passionate pupils who want to                                a chance or push you to open
 enter the field, especially now,                             your own business. So people

 about what specialty or area of                              prefer to put their money in

 investment holds up potential                                banks, but business owners take

 success for those young en-                                  a huge risk. At the same time,

 trepreneurs who would like to                                they reinvest their profits into

 start. He said he believes that                              the business so that the country

 the upcoming period has so   Aligned with it, having an app   Now, that is from the business   enforces tax on them from the

 many online opportunities. It’s   or a, or making a website, but   perspective, let’s go to the eco-  potential of growth.

 an e-business. It is booming so   the e-business itself needs a lot   nomic outlook. Now he was
 much. It’s the future. “I believe   of development in Egypt. He   asked if you have the power to   He followed saying, “So I

 that any entrepreneurs head-  thinks there are significant gaps   implement economic policies,   would remove the taxes from

 ing now, e-business is the   in it with so many opportunities,   what are a few changes that   people who reinvest their

 lowest risk and the highest   “I believe it’s a great chance   you’d like to see in the economy   profits into their businesses

 return possible. It’s just the   for all entrepreneurs to start   that could perhaps help business   or opening new businesses

 culture of  the people who are   digging and mining into this   owners? And as many business   because they will hire new

 starting to change. A lot of    field specifically. And this op-  owners think, the immediate an-  employees. They will rent
 people are starting to head to   portunity is because it gives   swer was taxes.  new stores; they will do a lot

 buy their stuff  online. So if    them the chance to have a   of  stuff. So I believe that do-

 you start your business nowa-  lower risk and higher return   “Yes, actually, I would   ing such a thing will encour-

 days, it’s a great opportunity   and fill substantial gaps in   change one essential aspect,   age many business owners

 to start your online platform   the market that would satu-  which is removing taxes from   to expand and reinvest their

 through an online shopping   rate them and avoid them at   business owners who reinvest   profits, not by taking them

 store. Whether in any differ-  huge losses that they can en-  their profits into the business   and just buying luxury stuff

 ent fields, cosmetics growth.”  counter if  they open a physi-  because people don’t pay tax-  for themselves. It will change

 cal business.” he clarified.  es on their money in banks.”   a lot.” The idea of reinvesting

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