Page 25 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 25

your capital will help deplete   their skills to see the point

 the unemployment rate. It will   of  power they have, keep on
 increase small and medium   pushing on this point, devel-

 enterprises’ potential because   op it, and become a key play-

 it will give the people the   er in their talented area. And

 courage to keep on grinding   the idea when you have such

 and growing in their business-  a talent, or you discover your

 es. Instead of just cutting out   talent; you start seeing op-

 taxes, that only limits develop-  portunities differently. Every-
 ment.  one considers the things that

 happened during your day,

 And definitely, we had to con-  a typical day as the regular

 clude with a message from   stuff. But there is an opportu-

 him to all the aspiring en-  nity in everything in your life.

 trepreneurs and all the stu-  And whenever your eyes start

 dents, “There’s something   to open, and talents and skills

 significant. Many people   begin to develop, your abili-

 are losing and failing in   ty to see these opportunities
 their life because they just   becomes much higher and

 simply don’t see the op-  becomes much more accu-

 portunity and the power   rate. So my advice for people

 in themselves. You have to   is to build your skills, develop

 search for the power with-  your talents. To identify your

 in yourself. Everybody has   strengths points, and then it

 a specific energy and a   will give you the ability to see
 particular talent, and this   opportunities in everything

 talent can head you to suc-  happening in your life.”

 cess. The majority of  peo-

 ple, they don’t; they can’t

 even identify where their

 strengths are. Where’s their

 opportunities, where can

 they head through? So I be-

 lieve that everyone needs to

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