Page 32 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 32

However, instead of taking                              -ing the rise in greenhouse gas-                               gap between them. Therefore,                            temporarily to stagnate the

      this opportunity, governments                           es emissions. During the pan-                                  if government aid continues for  spread of the virus. Business

      have shifted their attention                            demic, many businesses quickly                                 electric vehicles their sales will                      activities, benefits and wages

      from the environment to the                             switched to operating online,                                  increase, which should prevent                          dropped, and uncertainty in-

      pandemic. Many governments                              demonstrating that commuting                                   emissions that will otherwise                           creased significantly, leading to

      have decreased environmental                            to work or schools every day                                   arise from fossil fuel-powered                          a decrease in global spending.

      regulations and approved pro-                           may not be necessary. If oper-                                 cars from being released once                           This economic downturn has

      jects which would not usually                           ating online is sustained for just                             life resumes.                                           forced many businesses to close

      be granted, for economic and                            two days a week post-pandem-                                                                                           their doors, reduce production
      monetary reasons. “The US has  ic, it will drastically decrease                                                        In addition, before the start of                        or even go out of business,

      suspended enforcement of air                            our global emissions. We must                                  the pandemic, the airline indus-                        eradicating more than 10% of

      and water pollution regulations,  apply what we have learned to                                                        try agreed on the Carbon Off-                           total global oil consumption.

      curtailed states’ ability to block                      prolong the benefits of this                                   setting and Reduction

      energy projects, and suspended  pandemic on the environment.                                                           Scheme for International Avia-

      a requirement for    environ-                           Another factor that may counter                                tion (CORSIA), which involves  While this means that many

      mental review and public input  this possible increase in demand                                                       the limiting or offsetting of                           people are left unemployed,
      on new mines, pipelines, high-                          is the use of electric cars. De-                               global emissions on the average  emissions of both carbon diox-

      ways, and other projects”(Beth                          spite the low price of gas, the                                emissions of 2019-2020. Emis-                           ide and nitrogen dioxide have

      Gardiner, 2020). On top of                              demand for electric vehicles has                               sions will be offset by planting                        fallen considerably due to this

      this, the fossil fuel industries are  defied the odds and surged dur-                                                  trees and capturing methane                             decrease in industry production

      lobbying and receiving public                           ing this peculiar pandemic. “In                                from landfill sights (The epi-                          volumes. Many countries such

      funds which are at a financial                          Germany, Electric Vehicle sales                                demic...,2020). The decrease in                         as China, Italy, India and the US

      and social cost. Actions by these  from January to June increased                                                      demand for aeroplanes this year  have seen clear blue skies and

      governments will likely lead to a  from 47,584 in 2019 to 93,848                                                       should mean that future emis-                           the best air quality they’ve ever

      surge in emissions once life                            in 2020, supported by particu-                                 sions will be stabilized at a lower  experienced.
      returns to normal if they con-                          larly strong plug-in-hybrid elec-                              threshold- if the industry com-

      tinue on this path. Governments  tric vehicles growth.”(James                                                          plies with the CORSIA.                                  Although COVID-19 has had

      should not lose sight of the big- Carroll, 2020). One   reason for                                                                                                             many positive effects on the

      ger picture due to the current                          this increase in sales is due to                               Businesses and Industries pro-                          environment, pandemic plastic

      economic crises. As lockdowns  the special provisions provided                                                         duce around 1/5th of global                             pollution has grown exceedingly.

      begin to ease and life resumes,                         by agreement, should be used to                                greenhouse gases emissions                              Progressive amounts of waste

      the demand for cars will rise due  create better incentive programs                                                    (Martha Henriques,2020). Many  have ended up in our oceans
      to the lack of social distancing                        to support less developed coun-                                countries around the world ter-                         due to supermarkets using plas-

      on public transport, augment-                           tries and close the sustainable                                minated unnecessary jobs                                tic bags again and people order-

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