Page 36 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 36
Behind the
Ever since the pan-
demic began; the only
Curtains thing that was on our
minds was how to keep
our families safe and how
of Corona to survive these terrify-
ing times; however, while
protecting our health by
staying home, thousands
The Impact of COVID-19 On of businesses firms and
Filmmaking Production industries were affected,
many have disappeared
Karim Shafik and contracted from the
market while others have sprung were therefore closed and shut -me decision. As a consequence 42 billion dollars, Hollywood has
up benefitting from the pandem- off. In the United States, on to the previous choices, movie in- to face massive losses this year.
ic. One of those industries that March 15, hundreds of theaters dustries from different countries After making 2,79 billion dol-
were massively affected by the had closed because there was no have lost billions of dollars, and lars with the release of Avengers
Coronavirus was the cinematic demand for cinemas or because many people involved in this in- Endgame, Marvel Studios were
industry, which has lost billions the community had demanded so. dustry were affected financially; facing significant losses this year
of dollars. Two days after the United States around 200 000 film and media and were forced to delay all their
has restricted social gatherings professionals have lost their job, future projects, whether movies
The pandemic has stricken fear and the gates of cinemas were or series. Their movie Black Wid-
in citizens’ hearts across the closed for five months, to be reo- Hollywood has lost around 20 ow was supposed to be released
globe; we see that they have start- pened on August 21st. Likewise, billion dollars because of the during May, September 23rd;
ed avoiding indoor and crowd- in Egypt, prime minister Mosta- pandemic, which is the most chal- Marvel Studios has declared that
ed places to prevent the risk of fa Madbouly has banned cinema lenging time for the movie-mak- the film will be delayed to 2021,
catching the wretched virus. Cin- screenings on the 17th of March, ing industry in the past 20 years. which forced Marvel also to post-
emas being indoors and closed which is the same day the United After making a world record for pone all the movies and projects
were considered dangerous and States has officially made the sa- box office revenue last year, with that are supposed to come after
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