Page 41 - Millenial Finomics Issue 1
P. 41

said that the only thing that would  films were released, « AlGhasala   -tors to their seats, were living not

 make people feel safe going out  » and «Tawam Rohi,» as well as   only on their salaries but also on

 to theaters will be a discovery of  a few US movies such as “New   tips; but since the cinemas were

 a cure for COVID 19; therefore,  Mutants” and  “Tenet.” I have   shut for months, and even now

 it will take a while for  cinemas  personally gone to different cin-  after they  have reopened, the

 to  function normally.  Howev- emas in Egypt to view most peo-  number of those going to cine-

 er,  this doesn’t  seem  to  be  the  ple who are entering theaters and   mas has decreased and therefore

 case; Christopher Nolan’s newly  found them to be teenagers. The   their tips that make a great por-

 released film “Tenet” has made  rest are adults, and very few, if   tion of  their  income  have  also
 146  million  dollars  worldwide,  not any, elders went to the cin-  decreased.

 while making 20 million dollars  emas. People have started going

 on its first three days of release  to the cinemas with a feeling of

 in cinema, which shows  that  safety because masks are manda-

 people in the United States and  tory in theatre, and because they

 worldwide  are willing  to  go to  respect social distancing rules.

 theaters. Theaters have managed
 to attract people, despite the cur- Theater companies are massively

 rent fear of going out by forcing  affected by the pandemic and are

 those  going into the  cinema  to  losing millions. AMC, the biggest

 wear masks,  thus  making cine- theater company in the world has

 mas safer for visitors. In Egypt,  lost  561.2  million dollars in its

 the government has allowed cin- most recent quarter, and a huge

 emas  to  reopen, and take  25%  number of its  staff lost  their

 of the average number of visi- jobs, because the company was

 tors, to keep social distancing. In  not able to pay for their salaries
 Egypt,  the  number of individ- while losing millions. The same

 uals going to cinemas  has very  can be said of Egypt,  cinemas

 much decreased. It seems  that  maintained their same prices as

 the  different  theaters  in Egypt  before the pandemic, while hav-

 are replaying movies that were re- ing to deal with the decrease of

 leased before the pandemic such  profit, and it is certain that many

 as “Invisible Man” and “Fantasy  have lost their jobs in Egypt in
 Island” both of which were re- this industry. In Egypt, the staff

 leased in February, two Egyptian members who lead the specta-

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