P. 5

Fastener Starter Kit: FSK                     B

                     PART     DESCRIPTION                                       QTY OF          PCS PER BOX / JAR   QTY
                     NUMBER                                                     JARS/BOXES
            HEADER   PAK14    10 X 1” Pan head combo/conical anchor kit         6 Plastic Boxes   100 ea screw & anchor   6*
                     HPAK14   10 X 1” Hex washer head/conical anchor kit        6 Plastic Boxes   100 ea screw & anchor   6*
                     MXK14    10 X 1” Pan head combo/winged anchor kit          6 Plastic Boxes   100 ea screw & anchor   6*
                     SN2ZK    Zip-it metal anchor kit                           6 Plastic Boxes   50 ea screw & anchor   6*
                     SN1K     Zip-it plastic anchor kit                         6 Plastic Boxes   50 ea screw & anchor   6*
            *5 peg board hooks included for the above kit items: 6 each, 3 for hooks on display and 3 for back-up.
            SHELF 1   TS1034J   10 X 3/4 Pan head combo tapping screw           7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TS101J   10 X 1 Pan head combo tapping screw               7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TS10114J  10 X 1-1/4  Pan head combo tapping screw         7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TS10112J  10 X 1-1/2 Pan head combo tapping screw          7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TS102J   10 X 2 Pan head combo tapping screw               5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
                     DS1034J   10 X 3/4 Hex washer head tapping screw           7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     DS101J   10 X 1 Hex washer head tapping screw              7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     DS10114J  10 X 1-1/4  Hex washer head tapping screw        7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
            SHELF 2   DS10112J  10 X 1-1/2 Hex washer head tapping screw        7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     DS102J   10 X 2  Hex washer head tapping screw             5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
                     TK1012J  10 X 1/2 Hex washer head self drilling screw      7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TK1034J  10 X 3/4 Hex washer head self drilling screw      7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TK101J   10 X 1 Hex washer head self drilling screw        7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TK10114J  10 X 1/1/4 Hex washer head self drilling screw   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TK10112J  10 X 1-1/2 Hex washer head self drilling screw   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     TK102J   10 X 2 Hex washer head self drilling screw        5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
            SHELF 3   RH812J   8-32 X 1/2 Round head combo machine screw        7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH834J   8-32 X 3/4 Round head combo machine screw         7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH81J    8-32 X 1 Round head combo machine screw           7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH8114J  8-32 X 1-1/4 Round head combo machine screw       7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH8112J  8-32 X 1-1/2 Round head combo machine screw       7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH82J    8-32 X 2 Round head combo machine screw           7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH8212J  8-32 X 2-1/2 Round head combo machine screw       5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
                     RH83J    8-32 X 3 Round head combo machine screw           5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
            SHELF 4   RH1438J   1/4-20 X 3/8 Round head combo machine screw     7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH1412J   1/4-20 X 1/2 Round head combo machine screw      7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH1434J   1/4-20 X 3/4 Round head combo machine screw      7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH141J   1/4-20 X 1 Round head combo machine screw         7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH14114J  1/4-20 X 1-1/4 Round head combo machine screw    7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
                     RH14112J  1/4-20 X 1-1/2 Round head combo machine screw    5 Plastic Jars   100 screws        500
                     RH142J   1/4-20 X 2 Round head combo machine screw         4 Plastic Jars   100 screws        400
                     GS1038J   10-32 X 3/8 Hex washer combo ground screw        7 Plastic Jars   100 screws        700
            SHELF 5   DW6114J  6 X 1-1/4 Bugle head fine thread black phosphate drywall screw  7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     DW6158J  6 X 1-5/8 Bugle head fine thread black phosphate drywall screw  7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     DW62J    6 X 2 Bugle head fine thread black phosphate drywall screw   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     SCW812J  8 X 1/2 Modified Truss head Phillips self drilling screw   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     WHP812J  8 X 1/2 Modified Truss head Phillips self piercing screw   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     PDW6716J  6 x 7/16 Pan head Phillips framing screw black phosphate   7 Plastic Jars   100 screws   700
                     WA14J    8-10 Plastic conical anchor                       7 Plastic Jars   100 anchors       700
                     MX14J    8-10 Plastic winged anchor                        7 Plastic Jars   100 anchors       700
            SHELF 6   FW141J   1/4 X 1 Fender washer                            7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     FW14114J  1/4 x 1-1/4 Fender washer                        7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     FW38114J  3/8 X 1-1/4 Fender washer                        7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     FW38112J  3/8 X 1-1/2 Fender washer                        5 Plastic Jars   100 washers       500
                     SAE8J    #8 SAE flat washer                                7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     SAE14J   1/4” SAE flat washer                              7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     LW14J    1/4” Medium split lock washer                     7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
                     LW38J    3/8” Medium split lock washer                     7 Plastic Jars   100 washers       700
            SHELF 7   N832J   8-32 Hex nut                                      7 Plastic Jars   100 nuts          700
                     N1420J   1/4-20 Hex nut                                    7 Plastic Jars   100 nuts          700
                     N3816J   3/8-16 Hex nut                                    7 Plastic Jars   100 nuts          700
                     N1213J   1/2-13 Hex nut                                    4 Plastic Jars   50 nuts           200
                     HCS141J   1/4-20 X 1 Hex head full thread bolt             7 Plastic Jars   100 bolts         700
                     HCS381J   3/8-16 X 1 Hex head full thread bolt             4 Plastic Jars   100 bolts         400
                     MSA14J   1/4-20 Machine screw anchor                       4 Plastic Jars   100 anchors       400
                     MSA38J   3/8-16 Machine screw anchor                       2 Plastic Jars   50 anchors        100
                     FASTENERRACK                                                                                    1
            B When you order the FSK Kit, the packing list and invoice you receive will read as the contents appear in this complete kit list.
                                                      SELECTA PRODUCTS, INC.
                Tehachapi, CA  •  Memphis, TN  •  800-722-6445  •  800-433-4319 FAX  •  •
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