P. 37

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                                           view SDS.                                               view SDS.

                         THE END.  DRY FOG                                        THE END.
                         FLYING INSECT KILLER                                     WASP & HORNET KILLER
                         THE END. TM  Brand of insect killers are formulated using scientific   THE END. TM  Brand of insect killers are formulated using scientific
                         technology to be some of the most powerful insecticides available.  technology to be some of the most powerful insecticides available.
                         •  Kills flies, mosquitos, gnats, moths, bees, wasps and more  •  Instant knockdown
                         •  Water-based insecticide                               •  Dielectric breakdown voltage of 40,700
                         •  Contains powerful natural pyrethrin                   •  Kills wasps, hornets, yellow jackets and bees
                         •  Fogging action covers large area quickly              •  Kills nest and insects with residual action
                         •  Can be used in food processing areas (kitchens)       •  Sprays up to 20 Feet

                          NET CONTENTS           PART #                            NET CONTENTS          PART #
                          20 oz Aerosol          45120                             20 oz Aerosol          18320

                          NET WEIGHT   CASE PACK  CASE WEIGHT                     NET WEIGHT   CASE PACK  CASE WEIGHT
                          14 oz           12        16 lbs                        12 oz           12         14 lbs

                                            Scan to                                               Scan to view
                                         view Dymon                                               Spray Nine
                                        product videos.                                         product videos.

             For your front of the house Jan San needs there is a                 SPRAY NINE
              whole line of ready-to-use chemicals from Dymon .                   Multi-Purpose Cleaner
                         LIQUID ALIVE                                             & Disinfectant
                         Odor Digester
                                                                                  Spray Nine’s professional-strength cleaning power has been
                         •  Non-staining on carpets, upholstery and water-safe surfaces  trusted  by  millions  of  professionals  and  consumers  for  over  50
                         •  Non-toxic to animals and humans                       years.  Spray Nine works hard to remove all types of dirt, grease,
                         •  Biodegradable                                         grime and stains.
                                                                                  One Product, NINE Uses!
                         RECOMMENDED FOR: Animal  Shelters, Restrooms,  Carpet    1.  Cleans        5.  Sanitizes in seconds
                         Cleaners, Prisons, Clinics,  Hospitals, Schools, Office Buildings,
                         Hotels/Motels,  Restaurants, Waste Facilities, Nursing Homes  2.  Degreases  6.  Kills fungus in 3 minutes
                                                                                  3.  Disinfects against viruses   7.  Deodorizes
                          NET CONTENTS  PART #    CASE PACK                         in seconds      8.  Controls mold & mildew
                          32 oz Quart    33632       12                           4.  Disinfect against bacteria   9.  Removes stains
                                                                                    in seconds
                                                                                   NET CONTENTS   PART #   CASE PACK
                                                                                   32 oz Round    26832       12
                         GRAFFITI & SPRAY PAINT
                         •  Removes paint, lipstick, grease, ball point ink and crayons   GREZ-OFF
                           from a variety of surfaces
                         •  Safe for cleaning metal, porcelain, formica and baked   When nothing else cuts it… Grez-Off’s award winning, grease
                           enamel paints                                          busting power does the dirty work! This professional strength,
                         •  Jelled aerosol formula will not drip or run           water-based, biodegradable formula hits hard and fast. Bolstered
                                                                                  with fast acting surfactants, Grez-Off ®  digs into grease and grime,
                         USE ON: Fiberglass, Aluminum, Enamels, Ceramic Tile, Chrome,
                         Marble, Formica, Glass, Porcelain, Brick, Steel, Brass, Concrete  prying it away like no other product can!
                                                                                   NET CONTENTS  PART #    CASE PACK
                          NET CONTENTS  PART #    CASE PACK
                          20 oz Aerosol  07820       12                            32 oz Flat    22732        12
                         For more Rustlick, Accu-lube, Dymon and Spray Nine information, visit us online at
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