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RECALL DEFENSE SYSTEM                                                            ™

          Keep your plants running efficiently while preventing contamination, recalls, and downtime.

          The LPS Recall Defense System is designed to minimize the risk of MRO chemicals used    ®
          throughout your facility. The program includes:                                     NSF  CATEGORY CODE
            1.   A full assessment of your current MRO chemical products performed by our        H1    H1    P1
                technically trained regional sales managers.
            2.   A plan to consolidate and simplify your maintenance products to reduce safety     SAFE
                concerns, eliminate duplicate inventory, and provide cost savings.             Safe for use through
            3.   Our top performing products that come with:                                       out facility.
                •  Permanently printed labels that cannot tear and contaminate food.  WITH DETEX ®  INCIDENTAL FOOD CONTACT
                •  Preprinted GREEN or YELLOW labeling to ensure maintenance employees
                  use and store MRO chemicals in the proper locations.
                •  DETEX  our patent-pending metal and x-ray detectable
                  packaging to reduce the risk of undetected foreign                          NSF  CATEGORY CODES
                  object contamination.                                                       A1   C1  H2   K1  K2
            4.   Posters, shelf labels, and training resources to ensure proper use
                of LPS  products around the facility.
                                         Scan to view                                         CAUTION
                                    Recall Defense System                                        Exercise caution
                                        product videos.

                                                               NO DETEX ®  WITH DETEX ®    NO FOOD CONTACT


             COST SAVINGS                  TRAINING            TECHNICAL SUPPORT             RISK MITIGATION

         LPS  high-performance products   Our technically trained regional   The LPS  team of senior engineers   Manage risk and incorporate
         are engineered to lower costs by   sales managers consult customers   and chemists are available to travel   LPS  food safe solutions into your
         extending equipment life, reducing   and offer product, safety, and    on-site for customer support.  HACCP plans.
         repair time, and lowering frequency   application training.
         of preventative maintenance.
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