P. 28


                      H1 FOOD GRADE SPECIALTY PRODUCTS WITH DETEX               ®
                                                       DETEX  products are packaged with metal and x-ray detectable plastic components.

                           BELT DRESSING                                          DETEX™ EMPTY TRIGGER
                           ■   Prevents belt slippage on flat, round, and V-belts
                           ■   Eliminates squeaks from slipping belts             ■   Adjustable spray stream to ensure
                           ■   Water resistant                                       proper application
                           ■   Extends belt life and pulley bearing life          ■   Blue color for all metal and x-ray detectable
                           ■   Does not deteriorate drive belts                      plastic readily identifies it as non-food object
                           ■   May be used in wet, outdoor conditions             ■   Ergonomic, 3 finger trigger to reduce finger fatigue
                           ■   Nonfood Compounds Program Listed Category          ■   Durable bottle construction and chemically
                             Code: H1 Registration #134508 (Aerosol)                 resistant trigger
                           ■   Acceptable for use in Canadian Food                ■   Metal detectable label to eliminate risk of
                             Processing Establishments                               undetected food contamination
                                                                                  ■   Label area for convenient product identification
                                                                    NET CONTENTS                      LPS #
                                                                    with DETEX™ & Label
            NET CONTENTS                      LPS #                 28 fl. oz. (828 mL) Trigger        57928
            10 wt. oz./284 g/445 mL           02216                 without DETEX™ & Label
                                                                    28 fl. oz. (828 mL) Trigger       09120

                           WORKPLACE                                              ANTI-SPATTER
                           HAND CLEANER TOWELS

                                                                                  ■   Unique water-based formula that prevents weld
                                                                                     spatter from sticking to metal
                           ■   Uniformly premoistened towel                       ■   Oversized, E-Z Spray Nozzle is ideal when wearing
                           ■   Superior terpene blend                                welding gloves
                           ■   Deep cleaning, non-scratching abrasives quickly    ■   Does not contain silicone
                             remove embedded dirt and grime                       ■   Paint compatible
                           ■   Fast acting                                        ■   Eliminates the need for chiseling, grinding, or
                           ■   Disposable                                            brushing after welding
                           ■   Eliminates the need for soap, water, and a sink    ■   Acceptable for use in Canadian Food
                           ■   Improves workplace productivity by reducing costly    Processing Establishments
                             clean-up time
                           ■   Does not require water
                           ■   Easy to carry and store
                           ■   Convenient
            NET CONTENTS                      LPS #                 NET CONTENTS                      LPS #
            Bucket of 72 towels               09200                 13 wt. oz./369 g/369 mL           02116

                           STRONG STEEL STICKS                                    PREMIUM LEAK DETECTOR

                           ■   Hand-kneadable epoxy, ready-to-use stick for fast   ■   Identifies gas and air leaks quickly
                             emergency repairs                                    ■   Bubbles when exposed to gas leaks
                           ■   Hardens like steel in 20 minutes                   ■   Meets or exceeds strict Telco performance specs
                           ■   Can be machined, drilled, tapped, and painted in   ■   No ethylene glycol
                             30 minutes                                           ■   Non-hazardous
                           ■   Plugs and seals leaks                              ■   All-weather formula
                           ■   Permanently fills gaps and holes in metal, concrete,
                             wood, fiberglass, and ceramics
                           ■   Patches holes and cracks in pipes, drums, and tanks
                           ■   Can be used for underwater repairs
            NET CONTENTS                      LPS #                 NET CONTENTS                      LPS #
            4 oz. (114 g)                     60159                 READY-TO-USE
                                                                    16 fl. oz. (473 mL)               61016
                                                                    1 gal. (3.78 L)                   61006

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