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                        D’GEL  ®                                                D’GEL -FO
                        CABLE GEL SOLVENT WIPE                                  FIBER OPTIC CABLE GEL
                                                                                REMOVER WIPE

                        ■   Removes cable gels, icky pic, blocking compounds,
                          flooding and filling compounds, grease, tar, and oil      Designed to remove cable gels, water blocks, and
                        ■   Removes petroleum, polyethylene, and silicone       ■  filling compounds from fiber optic cables  SPECIALTY MRO PRODUCTS
                          based gels
                        ■   Preferred by Telecom workers                        ■    Compatible with fiber optic cable components
                                                                                  and accessories
                        ■   Flash point above 140°F (60°C)                      ■    Cleans all contaminants from glass fiber
                        ■   Bellcore tested for complete compatibility with     ■    Field proven since 1989 by cable manufacturers,
                          Telco components                                        telephone companies, and contractors
                        ■   Safe on cable insulation and components, metals,    ■    Evaporates completely leaving no residue
                          and most plastics                                     ■    Flash point above 140°F (60°C)
                        ■   No ozone depletion potential                        ■   Worker friendly
                        ■   Rinses off with water                               ■   No ozone depletion potential
                        ■   The original formula, since 1986
         NET CONTENTS                       LPS #                NET CONTENTS                      LPS #
         144 single towels per case        61244                 144 single towels per case        61200*
         32 oz. bottle (946 mL)            61232
         1 gal. (3.78 L)                   61201
         55 gal. (208 L)                   61255*
         3 qt. bags                        61296*

                                                                                                     *Not available in Canada


                        TECHLUBE -FO                                            TECHLUBE -HD
                        FIBER OPTIC CABLE                                       HEAVY-DUTY CABLE
                        PULLING LUBRICANT                                       PULLING LUBRICANT

                        ■   Water-based, pourable, low viscosity lubricant      ■   Water-based lubricant
                        ■   Coats evenly and clings to the cable                ■   Coats power cables, copper cables, and for the
                        ■   Superior lubricating film                             installation of innerduct
                        ■   Compatible with all types of cable jackets, inner   ■   Provides maximum friction reduction for difficult
                          duct, and conduit                                       cable pulling applications
                        ■   Coats fiber optic cables & coaxial cables           ■   Leaves a lubricating film
                        ■   Will not “cement” the cable to the bottom of        ■   Will not “cement” the cable to the conduit
                          the conduit
         NET CONTENTS                       LPS #                NET CONTENTS                       LPS #
         1 gal. (3.78 L)                    61701                5 gal. (18.93 L)                  61105
         5 gal. (18.93 L)                   61705                APPLICATIONS:
         APPLICATIONS:                                           ■   Chlorinated Polyethylene   ■   Linear Low Density Polyethylene
         ■   Low density polyethylene                            ■   Cross Linked Polyethylene  ■   Natural Rubber
         ■   Linear low density polyethylene                     ■   Ethylene Propylene Rubber  ■   Neoprene
         ■   Cross link polyethylene                             ■   High Density Polyethylene  ■   Poly Vinyl Chloride
         USAGE FORMULA: (NON-METRIC, USA)                        ■   Hypalon
         1.  For plastic conduit (PVC, ABS, Polyethylene) use the following:   USAGE FORMULA: (NON-METRIC, USA)
            Q = 0.0015 x L x D
         2.  For multiple concrete, clay tile, fiber cement, fiber filled, and   1.  For plastic conduit (PVC, ABS, Polyethylene) use the following:
                                                                    Q = 0.0013 x L x D
            wood conduit use the following: Q = 0.0025 x L x D
                                                                 2.  For multiple concrete, clay tile, fiber cement, fiber filled, and
         ■   Q = Amount of Techlube  FO needed in gallons.          wood conduit use the following: Q = 0.0020 x L x D
         ■   L = The total length of the pull in feet.           ■   Q = Amount of Techlube  HD needed in gallons.
         ■   D = The inside diameter of the individual conduit in inches.
                                                                 ■   L = The total length of the pull in feet.
                                                                 ■   D = The inside diameter of the individual conduit in inches

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