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            See Technical Data Sheets for detailed product information.

                  MILD ENVIRONMENTS                   MODERATE ENVIRONMENTS               SEVERE ENVIRONMENTS
            Outdoor weathering, mild industrial fumes and   Frequent fumes and spills of mild chemicals,   Frequent fumes and spills of strong chemicals
            normal humidity with mold and mildew conditions.  occasional product spills, occasional chemical   (acids, alkalis and solvents), high humidity and
                                                cleaning. Intermittent high humidity, moisture,   moisture conditions. Frequent product spills and
                                                mold and mildew conditions.         frequent chemical cleaning.


                  FEATURES                       RECOMMENDED PRODUCT      PAGE   PRIMER            SURFACE PREPARATION*
                  Direct-To-Metal; high build; excellent adhesion and   9800 System –    51  HS9300 System –    SP1+SP3
                  hiding; low temp. cure; ultimate protection of metal.  DTM Urethane Mastic   Epoxy Primer or self-priming
                  Thin film; ultimate color and gloss retention; extremely   9700 System –    50  V9100 System – Low VOC DTM   SP1+SP3
                  durable against abrasion; low temp. cure.  250 VOC Acrylic Polyester Urethane  Epoxy Mastic
                  Super high-gloss finish; superior corrosion, chemical,   HS9400 System –    51  HS9300 System – Epoxy Primer   SP1+SP3
               MILD                                                                                   MODERATE                                                                                 SEVERE
                  impact and abrasion resistance; low temp. cure.  High Gloss Polyester Urethane  or
                                                                               9100 System – DTM Epoxy Mastic
                  Direct-To-Metal; superior long-term solvent, chemical and   9100 System –    47  HS9300 System –    SP1+SP3
                  abrasion resistance; maximum corrosion protection.  DTM Epoxy Mastic  Epoxy Primer or self-priming
                  Low odor; applies to damp surfaces; excellent resistance   5300 System –    48  5300 System –    Mod.: SP1+SP3
                  to chemicals, abrasion and corrosion; high gloss finish.  Water-Based Epoxy  Water-Based Epoxy Primer  Sev.: SP1+SP6
                  Zero VOC, zero HAPs, no solvent odor; excellent corrosion,   S60 System – Water-Based Epoxy   54  S70/71 System –    Mod.: SP1+SP3
                  chemical and stain resistance  Maintenance Coating           Water-Based Epoxy Primer  Sev.: SP1+SP6
                  A single-component, high-build, water-based acrylic   Mathys Noxyde ®  57  Self-priming  SP1+ SP3 or WJ-4 5KPSI
                  elastomeric suitable for use with only minimal
                  surface preparation.
                  Direct-To-Metal; superior resistance to blistering and   3700 System –    46  3700 System – DTM Acrylic   SP1+SP3
                  water spotting; applies in low temp./high humidity.  DTM Acrylic Enamel  Enamel Primer or self-priming
                  No solvent odor, zero VOC, zero HAP; Direct-To-Metal;   MetalMax  DTM Acrylic Urethane   55/56  Self-priming, or S70/71 Epoxy   SP1+SP3
                  high performance; corrosion & humidity resistant.  MetalMax  Plus DTM Acrylic Enamel  Primer in extreme situations
                  Protects metal from rust and corrosion; superior color   7400 System –    42  7400 System – 450 VOC Alkyd   SP1+SP3
                  and gloss retention; excellent hiding.  450 VOC DTM Alkyd Enamel  Enamel Primer or self-priming
                  VOC <340 g/l; protects metal from rust and corrosion;   V7400 System –    41  V7400 System – 340 VOC Alkyd   SP1+SP3
                  superior color and gloss retention; excellent hiding.  340 VOC DTM Alkyd Enamel  Enamel Primer or self-priming
                  VOC <250 g/l; protects metal from rust and corrosion;   2500 System –    40  2500 System – 250 VOC Alkyd   SP1+SP3
                  superior color and gloss retention; excellent hiding.  250 VOC DTM Alkyd Enamel  Enamel Primer or self-priming
                  Durable primer that can be top coated with any type   Any Topcoat  -  ROC Prime  100 –    SP1+ SP2 or SP3
                  of paint. VOC <100 g/l. Recoat in one hour.                  Epoxy Hybrid Primer
                  No solvent odor, zero VOC, zero HAP; attractive and durable;   Beyond  Multi-Purpose    52  MetalMax  Primer   SP1+SP3
                  extremely versatile topcoat; interior or exterior use.  Acrylic Enamel  DTM Acrylic Urethane
                  A single-component, water-based acrylic elastomeric   Mathys Peganox ™  58  Self-priming  SP1+SP3
                  suitable for use with only minimal surface
                  Resists corrosion, mold, mildew and repeated   8400 & V8400 System –    44  8400/V8400 System – Food &   SP1+SP3
                  washing, disinfectants and cleaning compounds.  Food & Beverage Alkyd Enamel  Beverage Alkyd Enamel Primer

                  Direct-To-Metal; fast drying; high gloss; resists mild   3100 System –    46  3100 System  – Speedy-Dry DTM   SP1+SP3
                  chemical spills, fumes, oil, grease and abrasion.  Speedy-Dry DTM Acrylic Enamel  Acrylic Enamel Primer  or self-priming

                  Direct-To-Metal; low odor; withstands mild chemical   5200 System –    45  5200 System –    SP1+SP3
                  fumes and spills.              DTM Acrylic                   DTM Acrylic Primer
                  VOC <100 g/l; good hiding and smooth coverage;   CV740 System –    39  CV740 System – 100 VOC Alkyd   SP1+SP3
                  withstands mild chemical fumes and spills.  100 VOC DTM Alkyd Enamel  Enamel Primer or self-priming

            * Minimum surface preparation required.              Industrial Coatings Selection Guide continued on following page.

 4                                                                                 Customer Service: 1-800-553-8444      5
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