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• Builds Bottomline Profitability!
Clean & Protect Your Batteries
with Unsurpassed CRC Quality.
Terminal Protector
No. 03176 | Item# 1003435 No. 03175 | Item# 1003433 Specially designed to protect battery
terminals from corrosion, a leading
cause of hard starting and battery failure.
Provides a lead-free soft protective coating.
Product Description:
Soft, dry, lead-free protective coating
Battery Cleaner that keeps moisture, salts and road grime
with Acid Indicator from corroding metal contacts. Prevents
corrosion-related leakage. Red color
Instantly detects leaks and neutralizes provides easy visual inspection.
acid. Removes corrosion by-products.
Just spray on and rinse off. Applications:
Battery posts, terminals, hold-downs and
Product Description: casings used in vehicles, boats, handling
Water-soluble formula removes corrosion equipment and uninterrupted power
quickly and economically. Neutralizes acid supplies (UPS), and used for computer,
spills. Restores battery output and reduces security and emergency back-up systems.
voltage leakage due to contaminants.
Assures maximum battery current flow
and promotes longer battery life.
For more information, please contact
Battery terminals, battery casings, your Sales Representative or
cable connectors & retainer frames. XYZ Account Manager.
XYZ Electric Supply Co.
1234 Central Avenue, Lebanon, KS 66952
Phone: (785) 555-1212 • Fax: (785) 555-1212
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Electrical Market Distributors
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