Page 230 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 230

6th Avenue                                                         Washington Ave

                                                               19th Street

                                                                ed and
                                                       resources across campus maximizes opportunities
                                                    parking and the strategic consolidation of parking
                                                            Continued and appropriate redevelopment within
                                                 development is limited. The reduction of surface
                                                          for growth while also meeting parking demands.
                                              In the Mines’ campus core, space available for
                                                                  enhanced campus character and experience.
                                                               the campus core will also contribute to a unifi
                                           PARKING CONSOLIDATION

                                                                                             PARKING, EXISTING  EXISTING SURFACE PARKING EXISTING SURFACE PARKING WITH   PROPOSED CHANGE EXISTING CAMPUS BUILDING   Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan

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