Page 234 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 234
sufficient vehicular access while improving the pedestrian and bicycle focus of
and 16th Streets be reconstructed to be shared streets. A shared street is an
two major vehicular routes – 6th Avenue and 19th Street – and the residents
sidewalks. A clear signal is given to designate entrances into shared streets,
integrated space used to better balance the needs of pedestrians, bicyclists,
materials. Motorists in these areas are encouraged to travel at much slower
of adjacent neighborhoods need to access those streets. East-west access
continue to pass around and the through the campus. The campus borders
to protect pedestrians. Therefore, the master plan recommends that Illinois
to 19th Street and to downtown is most important for residents. Elm Street,
The Mines campus is compact and pedestrian-focused, with a few vehicle-
Street between 14th and 19th Streets and Arapahoe Street between 15th
experience high pedestrian levels. Vehicular speeds should be controlled
erent paving Existing shared street – 16th Street (photo by SmithGroup)
CIRCULATION SYSTEMS pedestrian conflict points. The Facilities Master Plan seeks to provide the campus. VEHICULAR Although the campus is compact and pedestrian-focused, vehicles must Illinois Street, Arapahoe Street, and Washington Street will continue to provide vehicular access. Some segments of these vehicular streets are in the campus core and and low-speed motor vehicles. They are often streets without curbs and either t