Page 238 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 238
Plant 4’s capacity of 475 tons and piping mains of 6” can support the addition
office wrap technically resides within the Innovation Hub neighborhood but
The spare capacity considering diversity after the above mentioned buildings
Once all buildings are brought online, Chiller Plant 4’s 6” chilled water supply
Field House presently lacks mechanical cooling and ideally would also be
The Facilities Master Plan recommends the following projects in the Central
Steinhauer Field House. According to Facilities Management, Steinhauer
and expansions are added to the plant is anticipated to be 180 tons. Chiller
will be served from Chiller Plant 4 as there is not a chiller plant available
receive its cooling via chilled water from Chiller Plant 4. The garage and
Mine Parking Structure 1, which is currently under construction and will
rmed from fi
and return mains would be operating near their maximum recommended
Campus neighborhood. Connected to Chiller Plant 4:
velocity of 10 FPS. At this velocity, a maximum flowrate of 900 GPM (360 tons) should be provided from this plant and 880 GPM is anticipated. measured operational usage data prior to adding Steinhauer Field House to
within the Innovation Hub itself. Arthur Lakes Library expansion added to Chiller Plant 4. of these three buildings when the diversity of 0.65 is considered. Therefore, it is recommended that this plant diversity be confi
building heat exchanger and an associated control valve. There are existing
uid flow and pumping needs at the plant by
should decouple all buildings from their respective chiller plants through a
buildings that are “running wild” due to the lack of a building control valve.
Decoupling the plants also allows for the removal of glycol from the plant
In order to optimize each chiller plant’s performance and control, Mines
approximately 5 percent and improves heat transfer. In doing this, the plants will operate as designed and be able to utilize their cooling capacity to support the future growth of the campus. Once Facilities Management has achieved plant optimization, they may consider increasing the chilled water temperature differential at the plants and respective buildings to a 13ºF temperature differential in order to increas
UTILITY SYSTEMS COOLING SYSTEMS side which reduces the overall fl differential and 20 percent propylene glycol. 232