Page 242 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 242

serves are not decoupled, making it a much more complicated and potentially
                                                                                          decoupling buildings with heat exchangers will result in a 2ºF higher (warmer)
                                                                          There are several challenges involved with looping Chiller Plant 6 and Chiller
                                                                            Plant 7. The following will need to be implemented prior to looping the chilled
                                            Facilities Management has the desire to loop the piping from multiple chilled
                                                                                                   capacity and has the potential to cause some deficiencies during periods of
                                                                               water plants. Currently, there are three (3) buildings being served by Chiller
                                                                                  Plant 6 that are not decoupled from the plant system with a heat exchanger
                                                                                                             erential. The previous
                                                                                        need to be decoupled prior to joining the two plants. It should be noted that
                                                                                                          It is understood that Chiller Plant 6 has some control issues and therefore
                                                                                             building side chilled water supply than the cooling equipment within these
                                                  distribution. Existing plants Chiller Plant 6 and Chiller Plant 7 have similar
                                                                   a more expensive choice to loop. Therefore, Chiller Plant 5 will remain an
                                                        sufficient proximity which make this a viable option. Chiller Plant 5, while
                                                             temperature (45ºF), has a different pumping strategy and the buildings it
                                                                                     – Brown Hall, Maple Hall, and Weaver Towers. All three (3) buildings will
                                                     operating temperatures and controls that also have distribution mains in
                                               water plants together to provide more capacity, redundancy, and central
                                                                                                buildings was designed for. This will reduce the available peak cooling
                                                          close in proximity to these has a higher operating chilled water supply
                                          FUTURE CHILLED WATER DISTRIBUTION STRATEGIES

                                                                                                               studies report that decoupling the three remaining buildings as well as closing
                                                                                                            is not currently achieving a 10ºF fluid temperature diff
                                                                      individual stand-alone plant.   peak cooling demand.

                                                          conference center, hotel, commercial, and residential uses. This development
                                                                                      The new apartment buildings located west of Tangent Way would be provided
                                                                      Mines Park is a compilation of existing and new housing along with child care
                                          cooling towers and dry coolers. Therefore, the HPC Center is not anticipated
                                                       developed through a public-private partnership. The program may contain a
                                                                         centers and Mines facility buildings. According to Facilities Management, all
                                                            would provide its own chilled water and not be connected to a Mines chiller
                                                                            existing housing will be renovated throughout the time frame of the master
                                                    The Facilities Master Plan recommends a mixed use development, likely
                                                                               plan. Facilities Management has advised that the existing buildings are
                                                                                  anticipated to remain as stand-alone direct expansion cooling.

                                                                                          with mechanical cooling via variable refrigerant flow systems or ground  source heat pumps. In any case, they would not be connected to a central  The Facility Operations buildings would have stand-alone direct expansion  cooling. The Mines Park Center Expansion and the Mines Park Child Care  Center Buildings would also have stand-alone direct expansion cooling.  Colorado School of Mines Faciliti
                                             to affect the campus chilled water master plan.

                                                 SOUTH CAMPUS

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