Page 260 - Mines Facilities Plan
P. 260
Campus Open Space
Building Zone
Pedestrian Zone Pedestrian Zone
Buff er
Vehicle Travel Zone Vehicle and Bicycle Travel Zone
er Buff
Shared Ped/Bike Zone Pedestrian Zone oroughfare
Building Zone Typical Internal Campus Street Building Zone Typical Campus Th
street rights-of-way that traverse campus be converted to
Street, Washington Street, 18th Street, and 19th Street.
ne the Colorado School of Mines Facilities Master Plan
STREETSCAPE The Facilities Master Plan recommends that some city shared streets. 17th Street – Elm to Illinois Streets Illinois Street – 14th to 19th Streets 16th Street – Cheyenne to Arapahoe Streets Arapahoe Street – 15th to 16th Streets Remaining full access vehicular streets include Elm Well-designed streets can help softly defi separation between Mines and the community and become strong linkages between each entity. The