Page 21 - 2016-2017_Spotlight_flip
P. 21

WHEN YOU LOOK INTO A FULL COMMINGLED RECYCLING BIN,                      Every plastic container or bottle has a
         you will find a wide variety of plastic containers, made from a variety of   universal recycling symbol that
         different plastics. Each type of plastic has been used for a specific reason.    consists of a MÖbius triangle formed
         For example, High-density Polyethylene (HDPE) is extremely strong and it is   by three “chasing” arrows with a
         resistant to many different solvents, so HDPE items are perfect for holding   number in the middle. That number,
         industrial cleansers. Polypropylene (PP), the world’s second most widely   ranging from 1 to 7, indicates the
         produced plastic, is normally tough, flexible and resistant to heat so it’s a   plastic type. While you may only look
         great choice for food containers and medical or laboratory use. Plastic is   at the recycling symbol to make sure
         everywhere, and it makes our lives much easier.                          you’re not tossing any 6s into your
                                                                                  recycling bin (Did you know that
         There is, however, a downside to plastic. Regardless of the type, items made
                                                                                  Montgomery County has banned the
         from plastic have a lifespan of at least 500 years. Every plastic bottle and
                                                                                  use of Polystyrene?), the numbers
         margarine tub that you’ve ever touched is still “living” somewhere on the
                                                                                  indicate the type plastic you are
         earth—either in it’s original form or living a new “life” as a recycled item.
                                                                                  using, and where it might end up in
         That’s why recycling plastic is so important.
                                                                                  its next phase of “life.”

                 PET            Bottles for soda, water, cooking oil,   Cleaned, recycled, PET flakes and pellets are spun as
                 Polyethylene   mouthwash and salad dressing;       fiber for carpet, fleece jackets, comforter fill, tote
                                peanut butter jars                  bags and more
                 HDPE           Bottles for milk, juice, hand soap,   Recycled into bottles for non-food items such as
                 High-density   shower gel, household and industrial  shampoo, laundry detergent and motor oil; plastic
                 Polyethylene   cleaners; containers for cosmetics;   “lumber” for outdoor decking, fencing and picnic
                                cereal box liners                   tables; pipes, floor tiles, buckets, crates, flower pots
                                                                    and recycling bins

                 PVC            Pipes, cables, furniture, plastic toys;   Pipes, decking, fencing, paneling, gutters, carpet
                 Polyvinyl      shower curtains and tablecloths;    backing, floor tiles/mats, mud flaps, electrical boxes,
                 Chloride       shrink wrap; rigid packaging like   cables, traffic cones, garden hose and loose-leaf
                                blister packs and clamshells        binders
                 LDPE           Bags for newspapers, bread, produce  Shipping envelopes, trash can liners, floor tile,
                 Low-density    and frozen foods; squeezable bottles  paneling, furniture, compost bins, trash cans, plastic
                 Polyethylene                                       “lumber” for outdoor furniture

                 PP             Prepackaged foods like yogurt and   Car battery cases and cables, signal lights, brooms
                 Polypropylene   deli meat; bottle caps, margarine tubs  and brushes, ice scrapers, oil funnels, bicycle racks,
                                                                    garden rakes, storage bins, shipping pallets, trays

                 PS             Styrofoam cups and containers, egg   Thermal insulation, thermometers, light switch
                 Polystyrene    cartons, foam containers, plastic   plates, vents, desk trays, rulers, license plate frames,
                                cutlery, most 1-time use items      cameras, egg shell cartons, plastic moulding

                 Other          Any other plastics that do not fall into  Bottles and plastic “lumber” applications
                                any of the above categories such as
                                melamine plates and cups.
                                                                                                    FEBRUARY 2017
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