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                       When the first Earth Day was
                   held in 1970, 22 million Americans
                  celebrated clean air, land, and water.

        This year, join the global Earth Day celebra on. Learn
        about the event’s history at and If you’re looking for Earth Day‐themed
        ac vi es, visit SERT’s website o en to find out how other
        MCPS schools will celebrate Earth Day. You’ll find news,
        environmental informa on, resources, and events on the
        EPA’s website.


        Find great Earth Day ac vi es and cra s for young
        students at and ac vi es for all grade levels   The Green Team at Great Seneca Creek Elementary
        (K‐12) at Educa Several Earth Day songs    School created a fantas c Earth Day display for their
        and poems are posted at                    recent Literacy Night event. Led by Ms. Samantha Clark,
                                                                the fourth graders shared projects on their Chromebooks
        Make sure to visit our own MCPS outdoor educa on site
        to experience adventures in school gardening the MCPS   about protec ng our Ecosystems, recruited community
        way and to get involved with the Nature      members to par cipate in their upcoming Earth Day
        Conservancy program.                                    Clean Up event, and used recycled K‐cups to make
                                                                phonics games for kids. Well done, Bullfrogs!
        If your school isn’t a Maryland Green School, visit to review the applica on process.             Let us know what’s happening in your school and we’ll be
                                                                happy to spotlight your ac vi es.

        This newsle er is produced by the School Energy and Recycling Team (SERT)    THE SERT TEAM:
        program and distributed to SERT leaders, Green Teams, building service personnel,   Richard Benjamin, program manager
        and others who are interested in conserva on and sustainability. As part of the   Helen Blankfeld, informa on specialist
        Montgomery County Public School Department of Facili es Management, the SERT   DJ Connelly, facilitator
        program provides opportuni es for all schools to par cipate and receive incen ves   Terina Garcia, facilitator
        and recogni on for their energy conserva on and recycling efforts. We support    Linda McLaughlin, program technician
        a balanced environment for the integra on of all students to work together in a   John Meyer, recycling manager
        culturally diverse environment, and strive to provide the resources, support, and   Jim Stu , facilitator
        vision of the future for a successful conserva on program at each school.
        Promo ng the connec ons between human behavior and its impact on the
        environment reinforces our culture of conserva on and increases par cipa on
        in our mission to conserve resources and recycle ac vely.

              Department of Facilities Management  |  SERT PROGRAM  |  45 W. Gude Drive, Suite 4000  |  Rockville, MD 20850
      |  Direct: 240.314.4709  |  Main: 240.314.1090  |  Fax: 301.279.3005  |  @MCPSsert
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