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Springtime Recycling Reminders

                             LOCK IT OR LOSE IT                                          YARD WASTE

         This is an actual photograph of items found in the paper recycling          Recycling your yard waste
            dumpster at one of our schools. Don’t let this happen to you!             is as easy as 1-2-3! Just
                 Make sure your recycling dumpsters remain locked.                    remember the following:

        Did you know that if the contents of one contaminated recycling dumpster        When appropriate, place yard
        goes into the recycling truck, the ENTIRE load of recyclables gets ruined?      1   waste in paper or clear plastic
        If this happens, MCPS could lose up to five tons of recycled material.  Help
        protect our recyclables so we don’t lose them.  Make sure that you’re           Set aside the yard waste in
        checking the state of your dumpsters on a regular basis.                      2   the designated area.

         CHECK      WHAT TO LOOK FOR             CORRECTIVE ACTION                      Use MAXIMO to place a work
                                                                                      3   order requesting a special pick
         Lock,      MCPS requires that all       If the lock, chain,  lid, sliding door
         chain, lid,   dumpsters for recycled    or gravity bar is missing or           up.
         sliding    material must be locked at all  broken, submit a MAXIMO work
         door and   times, except when in use by  order for repair.
         gravity bar  building services.

                                                                                    GOT QUESTIONS OR CONCERNS?
         Gravity bar  The gravity bar should be in   Move the gravity bar into the
                    the locked position when not  locked position. It doesn’t need
                                                                                    If you ever have any questions or
                    in use by building services.    to be unlocked for the dumpster   concerns about recycling at
                                                 to be serviced.
                                                                                         your school, contact:
         Contents   To avoid contamination, make  All recycling should be removed    John Meyer, recycling manager
                    sure the proper recycling    from plastic bags before being
                    materials are placed in the   placed in the proper dumpster.            240.314.4714
                    designated dumpster.
                                                                                                        APRIL 2017
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