Page 19 - 2017-2018_Spotlight
P. 19


                                                                                      IN THIS ISSUE:

                                                                                       ’T       S
                                                                                      S    T      D   !
                                                                                     Each  me we approach a long
                                                                                   weekend or break, SERT sends you
                                                                                  a shutdown reminder email. Find out
                                                                                    why shutdowns are so important.

                                                                                 E     ‐E         L
                                                                                     Will switching from tradi onal
                                                                                 incandescent lights to LED ones greatly
         DECEMBER is filled with celebra ons, holidays, and special awareness     reduce your electricity bill? Yes, it will!
         days. Lights are o en used to decorate the inside and outside of our homes,
         schools, and stores and they’re o en breathtakingly beau ful!  But these    R
                                                                                       R         R
         stunning displays can use quite a bit of energy.
                                                                                     When you make efforts to raise
         A Department of Energy report es mated that holiday lights account for 2.22   awareness about recycling, you will
         terawa ‐hours (TWh), or approximately the amount of energy consumed by     definitely get be er results. Let’s
         200,000 homes over 12 months. One TWh is equivalent to 1,000,000,000          con nue to close the gap.
         kilowa ‐hours (kWh), which is the standard measurement used in SERT’s
         data charts that track electricity consumed by our schools. One way to        T
                                                                                         T        T
         reduce energy use is to switch to LED bulbs which consume a frac on of the
                                                                                  Great things are rarely accomplished
         amount of energy used by tradi onal incandescent bulbs. LED light strands
                                                                                  by just one person—they’re done by
         are quickly growing in popularity because they are:
                                                                                  a team. Check out what’s happening
          ENERGY EFFICIENT. Using LED strands to light a 6‐foot tree for 12     with our awesome school‐based SERT
             hours a day for 40 days will cost about $.82 vs. $10 for tradi onal lights.    team at Meadow Hall ES.
          SAFER. LEDs are much cooler than incandescent lights, reducing the risk
             of combus on or burnt fingers. Also, up to 25 strings of LEDs can be     E     W      B    !
             connected end‐to‐end without overloading a wall socket.
          MORE DURABLE. LEDs are made with epoxy lenses, not glass, and are
             much more resistant to breakage. The LED strands you buy in 2017 could
             s ll be in use 40 holiday seasons from now!
         So, whether you’re decora ng for a special event or for the en re holiday
         season, “go green” and make the switch to LED.
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