Page 12 - The Club at Kingsmill Newsletter - 12.21
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Dear Kingsmill Tennis Members,
Typically, this time of year I would be addressing our tennis members at the annual Kingsmill
Tennis Association’s dinner. But, as we all know, this year has been challenging and
unfortunately, canceling our final event of the year was unavoidable. However, KTA was able to
provide several enjoyable and highly participated events throughout the year, including two
indoor tennis socials at McCormack-Nagelsen Tennis Center and one outdoor social here at
Kingsmill. The Davis Cup was the highlight of the year and though constrained, was enjoyed by
all who attended. In addition to our adult tennis events, KTA successfully hosted a fun-filled
junior tennis event, providing a much-needed break in the virtual lives of our young Kingsmill
Looking towards a brighter and healthier 2021 tennis season, KTA’s event planning committee is
already making preparations. Unless otherwise restricted, we will entertain all previous year’s
tournaments, to include more social and junior events than ever before. 2020 marked the first
year KTA was able to provide all events free of charge to its members. And we are proud to
announce all 2021 events will be held at no cost to our tennis members.
The annual dinner is usually the public event in which our newest board members are introduced
and confirmed. In light of this rite of passage, please welcome to the KTA board; Lynn McNelis,
Sheila Filipponi, Amy McCarthy, and Kathy Pattison. Thank you all for your enthusiasm and
willingness to serve as board members during such difficult times.
Finally, I’d like to take this opportunity to publicly recognize three of our departing KTA board
members. Doug Strup, Bonnie Gobble, and Jane Wilson having faithfully served our tennis
community for multiple years will be stepping away. They have all played vital roles in providing
you the best tennis events possible. Volunteering their time, resources and expertise is a lot to
ask of someone. Doug, Bonnie, and Jane; on behalf of our Kingsmill tennis community and the
Kingsmill Tennis Association, may I offer you our deepest gratitude.
Happy Holidays,
Jeff Leftwich
Kingsmill Tennis Association